Tag Archives: unitedstates

Fred Eaglesmith Grand Ole Opry Debut

It took him fifty years to get there but it was worth it!

The Only Connection Between 9/11 and Christmas?

9/11 might be the favourite day of the year for the conspiracy-minded posters on  r/conspiracy. 🙂

Secular Sunday – Why Do Democrats Keep Snubbing Atheists?

Although less likely to vote as a block like various religious sects, there’s still a huge untapped voter base if someone would directly appeal to atheists/agnostics/secularists/nonbelievers.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – I Miss America (March 2009)

Happy (?) Fourth of July. I think I’ve mentioned that Shea’s and my “mini protest’ after Trump was elected was deciding not to go to the USA – mostly because of him but also because I just found the USA to be increasingly at odds with my personal values in general – from the gun […]

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Tragedies like this simply don’t need to happen. Please give if you can…

Friday Fun Link – A People Map of the Most Wikipedia Searched Person in Each Major City in the US

Who is the most searched resident of each city in the US on Wikipedia?

Minot Public Library Adds Another Incentive to Read – Cash!

Minot Public Library is partnering with Bank of North Dakota’s College SAVE program to provide one more incentive to participants in its summer reading program: money. College SAVE is the state’s 529 plan to help residents save for college. Every young reader who signs up for the Minot Public Library’s Summer Reading Program will have […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Honu in Kauai (January 2012)

We were invited to a 50th Anniversary of my Hawaiian aunt and uncle (I know, right?) but unfortunately, Hawaiians don’t think of things like “winter” so they scheduled the anniversary for June 2019 instead of January 2019.  So that’s one of the main reasons we won’t be attending though we’ll be there in spirit. That […]

Friday Fun Link – Quarter Horse Cam

Picked up a book on Mexican drug cartels and ended up learning a lot about American quarter horses! 🙂  

Democratic Presidential Candidate, Andrew Wang, on Universal Basic Income

The guy seems like a longshot but so did Donald Trump four years ago!