Pace suggested it would be better to have the words in different colours on this post…
It’s a perfect day to check out what’s being posted on /r/ireland.
My waterproof camera started acting up halfway through the trip – not quite dead but definitely not working well either. So once it started being tempermental, I stopped using it in the water. Luckily, my mom brought a disposable waterproof camera so we had a few other water pics… Shea loves my Tom Cruise circa […]
Before the trip, Pace and I kept playing The List Game (“Name five things you’re going to do on the beach”, “Name five things you’re going to eat at the buffet”, “Name five things you’ll do on the plane”) and that’s continued after our return home. Tonight, we (okay, mostly *I* since the things Pace remembered […]
Pace saying good-bye to Cuba and the Dominican Republic at the end of our holidays, four years apart…
After our recent holiday, I was interested in learning more about these mega-resorts (practically mini-cities) operate. This article provides a great overview on this subject, giving a behind-the-scenes tour of the same chain we stayed at in the Dominican Republic but from their Mayan Riviera complex.
These things (presumably some originals and some knock-offs) were fairly common sights in Punta Cana though not ubiquitous by any measure either.
Back from our week long holiday in the Dominican Republic and now the long sad process of unpacking and downloading all the pictures we took and catching up on neglected stuff at home begins. We’ll likely get a fuller album up on Facebook eventually but here’s one shot of us from the week taken by the […]
Very likely that there will be a week long blog holiday as we leave for the Dominican Republic tomorrow for a week’s holiday…
Recently, at my library, I delivered a program called “Trip Planning 2.0: How To Research Your Vacation Online” where I gave registrants a “guided tour” of some the most useful sites for trip planning, both well-known (Google, TripAdvisor) and lesser-known (Reddit, FourSquare). (The program was basically an expanded version of a blog post I did […]