Tag Archives: philosophy

The Myth of Prodigy and Why It Matters – Malcolm Gladwell

I was laying in bed last night trying to figure out what my blog is about now that I'm out of library school (which was 90% of my focus for the past year.) I came up with: 1. library-related stories2. technology developments 3. baby stuff …with a side helping of politics, Saskatchewan news bites and miscellanous […]

Alternatives to 'R" Rated Movies For A Business Ethics Course?

A professor teaching a business ethics course assigns certain films (“Thank You For Not Smoking”, “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room”, “Wall Street”) but has had a request for alternate films from a student who doesn't watch 'R' rated movies.  The professor posts a question on AskMetafilter looking for alternate selections but in addition […]