I’ve made a few passing references to the fact that I am no longer the Organization Development Specialist at Regina Public Library. Without going into specifics, there’s a bit of back story to how that all came about but the main thing to know for the purposes of this post is that when my position […]
This article speaks to me. I think we probably all have that experience where decisions don’t get made because we’re paralyzed by trying to make the “perfect” choice or not trusting our intuition? The article reminds me of one of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received. I was trying to make one of […]
Then remember this as the second decade of the new millennium begins. This year should be referred to as “twenty-ten”, not “two-thousand ten” (no matter what the Vancouver Olympics are being hyped as.) And yes, I know it's not technically the start of the new decade until next year but just like everyone celebrating […]
This video is called “A Glorious Dawn” – Carl Sagan ft. Stephen Hawking (Cosmos Remix) and if that doesn't hint at how much coolness is in store for you when you click play below, I have only one word – auto-tune!(found via a Reddit thread on songs that were so awesome you played them at […]
I linked to this from Facebook and posted it to Redit but thought I'd put it here for posterity as well since it's so good. (And if I'm serious about a “Sentimental Sunday” recurring post feature, this fits right in!) Gratitude. (via Cathie From Canada)
Saw this question posed on AskReddit. Lots of good tips/advice no matter how old you are.
Posted 15 October 2009
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Came across this thought puzzle via a MetaFilter thread which, in turn, comes from a review of a book called “The Idea of Justice” by Amartya Sen.Here's the puzzle…“Take three kids and a flute. Anne says the flute should be given to her because she is the only one who knows how to play it. […]
[Edit: A wonderful story I came across detailing the relationship between John Hughes and a teenaged pen pal.] When I'm forced to choose, “Ferris Bueller's Day Off” is one of the movies I often pick as my favourite movie of all-time. “Breakfast Club” pretty much defined my high school days with its perfect delineation of […]
I first became aware of the best-in-the-world ranking of Finnish schools in the excellent book, “Under Pressure: Rescuing Childhood from the Culture of Hyper Parenting” by Carl Honore. (This is probably one of the best books I've read so far this year and would highly recommend it, whether you are a parent or not. A […]
Tomorrow is my YouDay. Since the government hasn't officially declared it a statutory holiday as per my recommendation, I am taking it off using one of my earned holidays as per my personal YouDay policy. Having Friday off, along with the recent news that the State of Utah is moving 20% of government employees to […]