Tag Archives: ontario

University of Western Ontario Is One of Only Twenty Universities Worldwide To Get Top Rating (And Only One in Canada)

I really thought my attending the University of Western Ontario might drag the rating down – yes, even nearly two decade later.  But luckily UWO is still an extremely prestigious University even if they allow pretenders like myself to darken their halls. 😉

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Decorated University Hospital, London ON (Nov 2006)

Shea heading into work a month before Christmas in 2006 just as I was wrapping up my Masters program…

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – MLIS Student Council (Fall 2006)

Hard to believe library school was so long ago…

Saturday Snap – Libraries Distributing Rapid Tests

Not my usual “Saturday Snap” photo today but instead, a screen shot of someone on Reddit saying they had a good experience at my branch getting their booster shot and also picking up a box of rapid tests. So strange to hear stories from Ontario of people lining up at liquor stores or other weird […]

RIP Mick Burrs (Steven Michael Berzensky) 1940-2021

PICTURES OF THE DEAD (from “Dark Halo”) The dead leave us only images of themselves: souvenirs in washed out colours, dried petals pressed in family albums, shadows that stain our papered walls.  They abandon us in our rooms, teach us how to converse with dust, will not let us forget them. But in our glistening reeds […]

Freedom To Read Week 2021 – Day Four – Ontario Labour Board Awards $25,000 To Worker After Being Fired For Raising Covid Safety Concerns #FTRW

Another aspect of Freedom of Expression in the age of Covid is whether workers feel empowered to speak out about safety concerns they see in their workplaces without fear of reprisal. Most legislation has provisions to protect workers for speaking out on safety issues of any kind but many workplaces also take the position that […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Montreal Picnic (June 2006)

One great thing about our year in Ontario for library school was we tried to get away as much as we could on weekends and during semester breaks to various destinations in the area. Probably our biggest trip was during a semester break when we took the train to Montreal.  A highlight was throwing together […]

NHL Bubble Confidential: Go Inside the Toronto and Edmonton Playoff Hubs

The most unique, memorable NHL playoffs in history are down to the last few game(s) as the Dallas Stars and Tampa Lightning battle it out for the Stanley Cup. Some players have now spent nearly three months in their respective “bubbles” with no direct contact with families, limited options for food and entertainment, and various […]

Fun With Opposites – Linda from London Public Library

Was nice to see this pop up in one of my social media feeds today – one of my favourite classmates in library school (and a real life rock star librarian!) doing a digital program (and I’ll likely do a longer post at some point about the library’s role and response in the COVID era […]

Friday Fun Link – Oilers vs. Leafs (1986 So 20 Goals Scored!)
