Sasha and I got to meet Wendel Clark at “Hometown Hockey” in Regina back in 2015. (Even had a funny exchange with a hero from my childhood.) Kinda funny that his junior numbers weren’t amazing (he’s no Connor Bedard, that’s for sure!) but I suspect it was actually his PIM which helped him go first […]
This article is from mid-March but it’s still amazing how dominant Connor Bedard has been and what a privilege it’s been that he’s playing in Regina so I’ve been able to see him play a few times. Draft-eligible seasons: • McDavid (47GP) – 44G, 120PTS• Bedard (47GP) – 59G, 123PTS He’s 7 months younger. He […]
Went to the Regina Pats’ final home game of the regular season last night: Thanks to @TaigaBP for donating their Concourse level tickets to a silent auction fundraiser for @CarmichaelOR. Very excited to see @connorbedard97’s final regular season game for @WHLPats!#yqr#RhymesWithNumberOne(Overall) — Jason Hammond (@headtale) March 26, 2023 Connor Bedard gets the bulk of […]
A bit of a different Throwback Thursday post today as it’s not an actual old photo. Instead, it represents some fond memories from a long time ago. I found two pendants on Facebook Marketplace that were part of a larger series for Cup-winning teams. These happen to be two of my favourite teams – the […]
My daughter told me about this song which is apparently the hardest piano song in the world and impossible for a human to play (although the one video below claims to do it).
The Flames have *sucked* this year – terrible goaltending, terrible coaching decisions, players not performing up and down the lineup, boring hockey, losing a league-leading number of one-goal games, only team in entire NHL to not have a comeback victory when trailing going into the third, and also sucking in 3-3 overtime (if they’d won […]
Pace has been working at some Pats’ games to earn money for a school trip. We signed him up for the Saturday game not thinking that it would be Frost Festival at REAL but luckily I popped into the Exhibition Grounds on Friday night on the way to supper with some friends and realised that […]
I’ve always followed sports and played a lot of different ones in my younger days (not so much these days as Shea said she’d divorce me if I started keeping hockey equipment in the house ever again!) but I don’t think I’ve ever been fanatical in following sports to an unhealthy degree. With that said, […]
Got a surprise call at work from Great Canadian Brewhouse East who have a weekly promotion where they deliver pizza to a random nearby business or organization for Free Friday Lunch. Delicious and a great way to end the week! (I wonder how many businesses they deliver to end up even sharing with a couple […]