A detailed analysis of the four seconds leading up to Sidney Crosby's gold medal winning goal at the Olympics. (via Reddit)
We're all going to church! 😉
I mentioned yesterday that after taking Pace to his first Pat's game, it seemed like he may have gotten bitten by the hockey bug. Today has already confirmed it. From demanding his “hockey shirt” (jersey) the moment he woke up to playing ball hockey in the living room non-stop throughout the day, I think we've […]
I was offered tickets to tonight's Pats game so ended up taking Shea, Pace as well as my parents to what was Pace's first live hockey game. It was a pretty good one – early Pats lead with a couple goals by Jordan Eberle followed by a Broncos comeback then scoreless OT and a shootout […]
Not only are we seeing “Best of” lists for the year but also for the decade as 2009 comes to a close. Of course, the one I came across that I've chosen to highlight is “Best Hockey Fights of the Decade.” Never let it be said that this blog isn't educational AND entertaining!
Got the cast off today so I typed a big, long entry with various thoughts on the experience. But Firefox crashed just as I was about to post it so this is what you get instead…
This is very cool. A Google Maps mash-up showing the birthplace of every player that's ever played in the NHL. Although there is the expected broad swath through Canada, the northern US, Europe and Russia, I was surprised at how many countries and continents are actually represented. (If you zoom in on the map, you'll […]
I promise I'll stop writing about my poor little hockey boo-boo but I saw this on Reddit and couldn't resist posting it – a video highlighting some of the gutsiest performances from the NHL in 2008-09. (Warning: some potentially disturbing imagery) Of course, the big difference between me breaking my leg then getting up and […]
[Edit: I just realised that “Saturday Snap” was probably never more appropriate as a title!]No, not it does not! Just that none of the other options (bright orange, glow-in-the-dark white, camouflage) appealed to daddy's highly evolved sense of fashion. Man, thinking more about it – I played rec hockey with this team for almost ten […]
ESPN recently did a poll of various sports scientists and other experts to rank the most difficult sports using a variety of factors – strength, flexibility, endurance, hand-eye coordination, etc. etc. In the end, boxing came out as the top sport across all categories but was followed closely by ice hockey.Which leads to my next […]