Tag Archives: google

Top Tech Trends for 2012

I love this time of year for all the “Best of the Year”-type lists that come out.  And one of my absolute favourites of these type of lists are the “Top Tech Trends for the Coming Year” ones. For 2012, a writer for Mashable.com is predicting the following as the big trends: Touch Computing Social […]

Google 2011 Zeitgeist – Year in Review

Google has released an amazing video that captures the major highlights of the year (while also acting as a great showcase for their various services, especially Google+.) (via HuffPost)

Singly – A Site For Your (Online) Life

There have been other sites – FriendFeed is one that immediately pops to mind – that have tried to become a central hub for all of your online activity.  But I don’t know if any have ever tried to pull your online activity into one location as a repository, not just a hub. Now, the […]

Why Isn’t YouTube Canadian?

Did you know that before there was YouTube, there was a similar Canadian site called iCraveTV.  Before there was Google, there was a similar Canadian company called OpenText?  Before there was Facebook, there was a similar Canadian company called Nexopia? Michael Geist exposes Canada’s regulatory environment as a major barrier to Canadian companies having success […]

Saturday Snap – my iPhone Home Screen

A minor meme going around the social networks right now asks people to post their iPhone’s home screen. I just upgraded to an iPhone 4S last week (the battery was getting worse literally every single day so I finally broke down on the upgrade – even though I had to pay out to evil Rogers […]

Wisdom Wednesday – Is YouTube Killing Television?

And the answer (at least according to this infographic) is yes. Bonus: here’s a wise prognosticator on the same subject back in 2006… (Okay, it’s me but I’m pretty proud of this one – not just that it was my highest mark of library school but also because I really kicked ass on my presentation […]

Amazon, You Magnificent Bastard

An article on how Amazon’s use of their Kindles as loss-leaders for the digital content within their own “walled garden” ecosphere is a winning strategy that makes them a strong contender against Apple.

Too Many Tabs Tuesday – And Now Some Messages From Our Internet Overlords

Why existing on Facebook, rather than owning your own domain, makes you a part of the Internet’s under class (and with the unsurprising news that Facebook’s “Like” button tracks your online movement, even if you’re logged out of your account, I’ve decided to remove the “Like” button from this blog for the time being until […]

Facebook: All About Privacy?

Most people don’t think of the site this way but Facebook has announced sweeping changes that will put a huge focus on user privacy and control of their information. Reading over the proposed changes, I can’t help but see a huge influence of Google+.  So even if Google’s new social network isn’t thriving as much […]

But How Will People on G+ Know It’s My Birthday???

Tomorrow’s my birthday and since I’ve been spending so much time with G+ lately (I just added ~200 MetaFilter members to a designated circle tonight) and not so much with Facebook, I’ve been thinking about the biggest differences between the two services. One obvious one is that Facebook is a “social” network which regards individuals […]