Tag Archives: cute

One Month To Camping (Maybe?)

Watched the Nickle Lake AGM livestream tonight (one good thing coming out of Covid is increasing use of video for things like this) and very excited to think that we might be in our campsite in a month…if it ever quits snowing so we don’t have to dress like this at our campsite!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Puddle Jumping (April 2013)

Our old house used to get a huge lake in front of it once all the snow melted.  At least it gave us a good spot to go puddle jumping…

Saturday Snap – Artist At Work

Music Monday – “And we can still get information/Reading all about inflation/And you’re never gonna be out of reach/There’s a call-box on the beach”

Shea’s folks are in for appointments and staying at a hotel so we popped over for a swim and a visit. For some reason the song below kept running through my head (and that, in turn, bringing back fond memories of season-ending party at my hometown pool where all the lifeguards did a poolside dance […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – A Couple of Muggers (Feb 2013)

Saturday Snap – This snow fort is 1970s approved…

…but not so sure it’s 2020s approved! 😉 Getting an inspection from mom.. Snack packs at the ready (hot chocolate to come later!)…

Saturday Snap – Made It To Midnight!

If I was taking bets on who wouldn’t make it to midnight, it’d be Shea or I before these two! 😉

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Intently Studying DC Comics (August 2011)

Saturday Snap – …While Visions of Sugar Plums Danced In Their Heads

Saturday Snap – #SaturdayLibrarian x2

Had a helper pop in and pick out a few books after her art class today while I was being #SaturdayLibrarian…