Tag Archives: cool

Music Monday – “Please could you stop the noise, I’m trying to get some rest/From all the unborn chicken voices in my head/What’s that, what’s that?”

Pretty cool story of how this video was made… (via MetaFilter)

Friday Fun Link – MetaFilter 12th Anniversary Memories

In addition to the traditional anniversary post which echoes the very first MetaFilter post twelve years ago, this year MetaFilter’s owner decided to solicit user comments on their fondest memories about the site on a very special domain– some of which are funny, some are romantic and some of which are poignant.  (And some of which […]

A Few Thoughts on Google+

At the end of June, Google released Google+, their latest attempt at creating a social networking site to compete with Facebook and Twitter. After the failures of Google Wave and Google Buzz, some saw Google+ as a potential “three strikes and you’re out” last ditch attempt by Google to finally gain traction in  the social […]

Newfoundland Trip – Saturday Snap – St. John’s Harbour

Newfoundland Trip – Whale Watching at Bonavista

Newfoundland Trip – Ferryland Picnic

And how’s your day going? 😉

Friday Fun Link – GOOOAAAAALLL!!!

Not even sure what game/league this is from but anytime Canada can score a goal like this with a couple minutes left in a soccer game to tie England, life is good! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=n87oKk4BnPI

Social Media Revolution

Saturday Snap – A Bicycle Built For Three

Shea recently booked us in for family photos.  She had a choice of locales and ended up choosing “Urban” as our setting. Once I saw the address where the photographer wanted to meet us, I knew I’d be happy – she picked the corner of Smith St. and 12th Ave which is right behind Regina’s […]

Friday Fun Link – Barley Buddy

Now this is social media I can get behind – tell the site which beers you prefer and it will make recommendations for your next brew!