Tag Archives: cool

Felix Baumgartner Record-Setting Freefall Skydive

I wasn’t one of the millions watching the record setting freefall  by Felix Baumgartner live today.  But even watching the highlights video below took my breath away. Before you watch that video, here’s some highlights from this guy’s other previous jumps around the world to whet your appetite. Now watch this one.  Humans are truly amazing creatures sometimes…

Friday Fun LInk – Genetic Portraits

A Canadian photographic artist is getting lots of attention for his blended portraits where he combines photos of parents and children into a single image – often with striking results.

LEGO & Libraries – A Perfect Match

If the link in this CLA press release announcing a chance for your local library to win Lego was working, I’d ask you to vote for Regina Public Library.  But it’s not so I won’t.  Instead, you can just send your Lego donations directly to: Pace Hammond c/o Dad Can’t Afford Any More Lego Regina, […]

Friday Fun Link – 5-Star Wrestling Matches

I’m tempting to use the “Xmas” tag on this one. Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer newsletter is like the Roger Ebert of reviewing wrestling matches.  This Reddit thread contains links to almost all of the matches Meltzer has given the highly coveted and very rare 5 Star rating.  Quite a trip down memory lane […]

Pace’s First Scholastic School Book Order

Another big school-related milestone for Pace… (Man, I loved getting books from Scholastic as a kid!)

Meili Monday – Alberta Bound

Not sure if you saw but Ryan Meili’s campaign is using Storify, a cool little tool that allows people and organizations to easily create a chronological timeline, pulling in content from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google and other sources. Ryan’s most recent Storify update includes a section on his presentation at the Alberta NDP convention as […]

Friday Fun Link – Using A Manual Typewriter as an iPad Keyboard


“The Speech” – A Look Back at Obama’s Breakthrough Moment (and Ryan Meili’s Potential Equivalent?)

As the Democratic National Convention kicks off this week, I’m reminded of the single speech that catapulted Obama into the national spotlight at the 2004 convention. Coincidentally today, the race for the leadership of the Saskatchewan NDP kicked off. I’ve written before about the parallels I’ve seen between Barack Obama and Ryan Meili, one of […]

Saturday Snap – Maple Bacon Crunch Ice Cream

I may have the best wife in the history of the universe – Shea made this earlier in the week and it was amazing! Not sure if this is the exact recipe she used but it gives you the gist. (How often do you get to eat ice cream that comes from a food site’s […]

Friday Fun Link – What Are Some of the Most Impressive Things Ever Built of Lego?

Pace has become an absolute Lego fiend in the past year or so.  He’ll spend hours building increasingly complex vehicles and scenes – many of which blow me away with how creative they are. He’s not at this level yet but he’s getting there… An Array of Minifigs, Good vs. Bad We Can’t Go Camping […]