Access Copyright's “Captain Copyright” campaign raised some hackles at CLA and had a few of us subverting the promotional materials that Access Copyright had at their booth by modifying the stickers they were giving out… For anyone who doesn't know, Captain Copyright is a character created by Access Copyright to promote copyright to students and […]
Bloglines Search Result for “Canadian Library Association” A couple favourites from the above list of results…Summary of Stephen and Avi Lewis Opening Keynote Presentation(via the Green Kangaroo) Dumb Things I Have Done So Far at CLA(via Inspyration) Why The CLA Should Have Their 2010 Conference in Whitehorse(via Laurie the Librarian) …and the CLA conference in […]
Am I ever going to do a post where I'm happy about something instead of suggesting how to change and improve it? (Probably not…) Obviously these suggestions come heavily from the perspective of a student and a first-time CLA attendee. Twelve Ways To Improve The CLA Conference1. Don't charge students to attend 2. Don't have […]
Here's the report that a couple classmates sent to our class listserv with their take on the CLA conference… —The good:The 2 best presentations we saw were on Thursday, one on recruitment in Academic Libraries, and the other was a debate on whether we as librarians have made ourselves obsolete over the past decade. The […]
Shea had the camera while being a tourist (and we didn't think to take our old-fashioned film camera which still needs to have its current roll finished) so I didn't take as many shots at CLA as I normally would have. Here are some though… A couple from the Thursday night pub crawl… Three previous […]
Just back from the CLA conference (it officially ended up Saturday but we stayed an extra day to do some sightseeing and so we'd have a full day to drive home instead of rushing on Saturday.) Turns out this was a wise decision as I'll explain later… Saturday, I was again up very early and […]
I'm actually going to post an entry on the day I'm writing about if you can believe it! Up early and over to hotel but the shuttle bus was full so I had to wait for the 9:20am one, missing half of the session I wanted to attend – “Public Library Statistics Across Canada” which […]
My dream of doing an entry every day for a month is shot but anyhow, here's an update for yesterday… Up early yesterday for the first-timer's breakfast and did I make my joke about trying to eat $18 worth of bacon and eggs in the last entry? If not, consider it made (I was unsuccessful […]
I meant to post yesterday but the fact that we're staying at a residence. On campus. In the year 2006. And it still doesn't have ANY Internet connection fuddled those plans. So I'm probably going to change the date stamp on this entry so it counts as yesterday. And then my next blog post will […]
Turn around twice and after two days in Toronto, I'm off to Ottawa for the Canadian Library Association conference. I'm taking my laptop but not sure what the Internet situation will be like where we're staying so new blog posts may be sporadic until next week. The timing couldn't have been better – the one […]