Our campground asks for volunteers to look after the various flowerbeds scattered throughout the park each summer. A couple campers created an amazingly creative and colourful “bubblegum” themed design at the entrance to the Dorsch Bay area of the park. I snapped the picture below as I went by and didn’t even realise I’d caught […]
Had a pretty wet weekend at the campsite (including a bunch of folding chairs and other stuff getting drenched when a storm blew up unexpectly when we ran to town Saturday afternoon for groceries) But the rain also held off at different points allowing us to have a couple nice fires and even some fireside […]
Went out to clean up our seasonal campsite and do some work to get it ready before we move in our camper next week. There were forecasts for rain and even thunder showers so we had debated whether to even go or not. But other than a couple sprinkles, no rain all day – just […]
Watched the Nickle Lake AGM livestream tonight (one good thing coming out of Covid is increasing use of video for things like this) and very excited to think that we might be in our campsite in a month…if it ever quits snowing so we don’t have to dress like this at our campsite!
Between Shea and I, we camped a personal record of 62 nights this summer from May to September including two 2-week stretches, every weekend, every long weekend and probably a few extra nights we managed to squeeze in here and there. Here’s some highlights from the month we just wrapped up… 1. Cornhole Tournament My […]
I may do a few entries about our summer but, for now, just sad that another great summer of camping is coming to a close…
Eternal optimist that I am, I keep saying that Covid has had some unintended benefits. One of those is because we couldn’t do a winter trip this year, it also meant we had more holidays to take in the summer – two weeks in July but also two weeks in August which we don’t usually […]
Can’t wait to check out (er, pun intended?) this little library out this weekend (and on a related note, I was hanging out with the new Weyburn Library Branch Head last weekend too. Yep, I’m that cool!)
The “Beaver Den” is the park’s arts & craft shack but I’m still bitter that my entry […]
Not sure if I’d call it “best city to live” as this video claims but it’s where I spend most of my summer (well, at a nearby lake with occasional trips into town for groceries, booze and camping supplies) but it’s where my parents got married, my wife graduated high school, and my in-laws currently […]
We’re off camping for a couple weeks so blog posts will likely be rare to non-existent during that time.