Not a lot of blogging this summer due to holidays and other things occupying my mind. But time to start over with trying to do (mostly) daily posts (he says posting a Music Monday post on Tuesday morning!) “(Just Like) Starting Over” – John Lennon
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alberta (174) allinclusive (158) atheism (252) beatles (35) book (440) camping (173) Conference (40) cool (451) copyright (42) CotD (50) Covid (244) cute (486) economics (899) education (665) facebook (138) food (150) freedomtoreadweek (102) google (97) health (510) history (706) hockey (255) holiday (596) language (638) metafilter (36) movies (109) music (916) ontario (81) orgdevl (60) parents (321) philosophy (153) rant (28) recipe (19) reddit (45) saskatchewan (710) science (406) sports (47) television (244) travel (456) twitter (64) unitedstates (404) weather (142) wikipedia (45) writing (20) xmas (132) youtube (54)Fred Eaglesmith & Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs
I’m no longer actively maintaining or updating them but you can find my archive of Fred Eaglesmith Guitar Tabs and Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs on this site.