Tag Archives: allinclusive

Friday Fun Link – Hyatt Ziva Cancun as seen from a drone

Have been spending a lot of time thinking about one of the great curses of tropical holidays – you usually book them six months or so in advance so you have no idea how the weather will be when you go! We don’t leave for a couple weeks but right now we’re in the midst […]

Happy Anniversary, Shea!

I look forward to raising a toast with you in Mexico in a couple weeks (preferably champagne, not tequila!)

Music Monday – “And there’ll be sun, sun, sun all over our bodies/And sun, sun, sun all down our necks/And there’ll be sun, sun, sun all over our faces/And sun, sun, sun, so what the heck”

Hey look!  I went through an added an “allinclusive” tag to all my posts about various aspects of our all-inclusive holidays over the years to make them easier to find instead of just using the “holiday” tag which is a bit broader. I’m clearly getting excited with three weeks to go (and songs like the one […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Walk Through of Our Room at Moon Palace, Cancun (February 2018)

So in exactly one month, we’ll be on our way to Cancun…but who’s counting? (Well, I guess I’m counting, especially since the weather’s been -40 recently!) Anyhow, I finally got around to uploading another room walk-through video from our resort last year. I always have intention to do something a bit more professional/polished on our […]

10 Reasons Mexico Is Safer For Tourists Than You Think

  One of the most common questions I hear when we tell people we’ve gone to Mexico multiple times over the years (and are going again this year) is, “Is it safe?” It seems there are daily news stories about drug cartels’ influence on the highest levels of government and horror stories of mass shootings with these […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Did We Spot Our Next Destination, @HyattZivaCancun From The Air A Year Ago? (March 2018)

Who knew when we went parasailing at the Beach Palace (a sister resort to the Moon Palace where we were staying) last winter that we’d end up taking a picture of the resort we’d be staying at the following winter? But almost as soon as we got home from our amazing two-week getaway last year, […]

My Moon Palace Cancun Review #ThePalaceLife @palaceresorts #allinclusive #holiday

Hard to believe we’ve been home for Cancun three weeks as of today! I’ve been pecking away at this review the past few weeks (and actually started drafting it while in Cancun) but having the Easter long weekend gave me time and incentive to finally finish it! Here you go… A Note on TripAdvisor TripAdvisor […]

10 (More) Things I Want in an All-Inclusive

A few years back, I did a post where I listed 10 things that were important to us when selecting an all-inclusive resort for our vacations. That list, in no particular order, included the following: Multiple/big pools Decent, non-repetitive food Beautiful beach Unique bars Kids Club Oceanview Room A la carte restaurants Wifi Nearby city/attractions […]

10 Regrets of Our Two Week Vacation @MoonPalaceResorts #ThePalaceLife

As I said in an earlier post, Moon Palace Cancun nails pretty much everything on my “10 Things I Want in An All-Inclusive” list except that the nearest city (Cancun) is a bit further away then I’d like and Moon Palace Cancun doesn’t have a great beach/swimmable ocean  (which then becomes a deal-breaker in terms of […]

10 “Musts” When Visiting @MoonPalaceCancun #ThePalaceLife

Shea and I learned a lot from a private Facebook Group dedicated to the resort we just visited and in one of my posts from the resort right before our holiday ended, I mentioned that I’d likely post a review on my blog and/or that group and/or TripAdvisor after we got home. I still haven’t […]