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2019/12/04Defending Corner Gas
Head Tale 2.0
alberta (174) allinclusive (158) atheism (252) beatles (35) book (440) camping (173) Conference (40) cool (451) copyright (42) CotD (50) Covid (244) cute (486) economics (899) education (665) facebook (138) food (150) freedomtoreadweek (102) google (97) health (510) history (706) hockey (255) holiday (596) language (638) metafilter (36) movies (109) music (916) ontario (81) orgdevl (60) parents (321) philosophy (153) rant (28) recipe (19) reddit (45) saskatchewan (710) science (406) sports (47) television (244) travel (456) twitter (64) unitedstates (404) weather (142) wikipedia (45) writing (20) xmas (132) youtube (54)Fred Eaglesmith & Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs
I’m no longer actively maintaining or updating them but you can find my archive of Fred Eaglesmith Guitar Tabs and Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs on this site.
Head Tale
Yet Another Librarian's Blog
Five Funny Moments From Our Recent Trip to @HyattZivaCancun
One of the best parts of any trip is the funny moments that happen. Here’s a few from our recent trip: Hearing Justin Bieber’s popular Christmas song, “Mistletoe” on the van’s radio as we’re shuttled from the airport to our hotel. (It’s important to note that our trip was in late February, not December, […]
Music Monday – “Away from these memories, my life I must spend/Adios amigo, adios my friend”
Back from a one week all-inclusive holiday (even from blogging if you can believe it!) but lots to start catching up on – a review of our resort for sure (last year, it took me three weeks to cobble together a review of our resort – I wonder if I’ll be quicker this year?) Also […]
Saturday Snap – Adios!
Farewell to this… Spend a few hours on this… Hola to this…
Friday Fun Link – Library on the Beach?
Many of the resorts we’ve visited have had a “leave one, take one” area for books but this is the first one I’ve seen that’s actually a “Little Library” on the beach (which is a great idea I wish more places would implement!)
10 Things That Make You A Bad All-Inclusive Guest
I had the idea for this list after a couple experiences at the Moon Palace last year and in researching it further, I see I’m not the only one with the idea. So below is a list of my own observations but which overlaps in many ways with some of the articles I’ve found that […]
Congrats Michelle and Adam! (aka Mexican Wedded Bliss Is Better Than Mexican Prison Stress!)
You know you’ve exhausted every possible video on YouTube about your upcoming all-inclusive resort when you start delving into the whole sub-genre of wedding videos – glossy, professionally shot montages of all the expected scenes – the wedding party getting ready while drinking mimosas, the close-up of the rings, the awkward speeches. Okay, I have […]
Music Monday – “I don’t practice Santeria, I ain’t got no crystal ball/I had a million dollars but I’d, I’d spend it all.”
“Santeria” – Sublime
Some Insight Into All-Inclusives (Yay – We Leave In Two Weeks Today!)
In my reading and research about all-inclusives, I’ve come across some interesting articles about the changes in the industry – from the early days of Club Med in the 1970’s pioneering “pay one price” vacations that featured mid-range accommodation, bland buffets and watered down drinks right on through today when all-inclusives are an ever-expanding […]
Saturday Snap – Black Forest Beer?
I’m a big fan of black forest cake and I’m a big fan of beer so when I saw a post online about “Black Forest Beer” made by combining a dark beer like stout or porter with cherry mead, I couldn’t wait to try it. To add to the appeal, I thought it’d be a […]