Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Homemade “Baby’s Coming!” Photoshoot (April 2013)

The Scottish runs deep in me so I was too cheap to do a professional photoshoot when Shea was pregnant with baby #2.

Instead, using our camera’s timer, a tripod, and the poor lighting in our basement, we did our own photos (which turned out to be only a couple days before Sasha was born!) but which I quite like…





“Heels” Trailer

I find it hilarious that my wife wasn’t going to watch this wrestling-based TV series until Ben Mulroney of all people recommended it on the CTV Morning News!

(Of course I also find it funny that Ben Mulroney is recommending this behind-the-scenes wrestling show which has lots of violence – as you’d expect – and lots of sex – as you might not expect – to his audience!)

Election 2021 In A Nutshell

Liveblogging the 2021 Canadian Federal Election #elxn44 #skpoli #canpoli #cndpoli

Okay, did this a couple elections ago for #Elxn42 but don’t think I did the last election.  But no big plans tonight other than a stiff rye & ginger ale so let’s see what we can see…

– get home from work at 6pm to see that the split is roughly Libs – 21, Con – 7, NDP 2.  Didn’t the Liberals basically sweep the Maritimes in the last election?

–  This has been a boring election overall – no real scandals and not even a dude pissing in a coffee mug which is possibly my favourite scandal of all-time.

– Speaking of my last time liveblogging a federal election, the highlight of my years of political pontificating was predicting Andrew Scheer as a future CPC leader when few others thought he would be.  (Of course, in that same post, I predicted Ryan Meili would lead the NDP to a surprise victory in the 2020 election which I was obviously off by a *teeny* bit!).

– Weird that I’m cheering for almost as many Liberals as NDP in close races – Sean MacEachern in Regina-Wascana and Bucky Belanger in northern Sask but also Tria Donaldson in Regina-Lewvan and a couple in Saskatoon – Robert Doucette and Claire Card.

– Maybe because the 2019 election happened on 9/11, I was more interested in observing how 9/11 is like Christmas for conspiracy theorists!

– Oh, I should make a prediction…Liberals – 144 (155 at dissolution), Cons – 120 (119), NDP – 44 (24), Bloc – 29 (32), Green – 1 (2). PPC – big fat zero! (0)

– Actually another victory for the ultra-rich…

– Easily the best election coverage going…

– What role will the pandemic play?  Lots of discussion of this being an unnecessary election.

– [Little break for some family time – now Quebec results incoming!]

– [When I say “family time”, I mean, “hey, there was a diagnosed Covid case in our daughter’s school – who wants to do a Covid rapid test!”]

– All negative!  (Just like the PPC’s changes of winning a seat!) 🙂

– Just saw a clip of the PPC HQ in…<checks notes>…Saskatoon.  And of course the one dude who sat a couple rows behind us, maskless, at wrestling last Friday is there holding court. 😮

– Even though we’re on CTV National News Channel, somehow the TV knows to just cycle through the Saskatchewan ridings.  Would be more interesting to be in a province that had more ridings!

– God, the shots of that PPC party with everyone unmasked and not following government rules makes me hope Saskatoon Police break out the paddy wagon!

– 8 o’clock and the Saskatchewan results have started coming in.

– Lots of speculation that the election won’t be called tonight because of mail-in ballots, similar to what happened in the US.

– I said earlier that I was cheering for Bucky Belanger as a Liberal in northern Sask but of course, I should clarify that my preference is always for NDP candidates to win (especially over NDP turncoats!)

– Best Candidate Name = Brock Crocker (PPC) aka “Crock Blocker”.  🙂

– Fuck – I’m talking about PPC a lot but this HQ party in #yxe is just a fucking embarrassment to Saskatchewan.

– Any reporter covering the PPC HQ event should be wearing a face shield and double-masking.

– 8:29pm:

–  Watching the PPC tonight:

– 8:38pm – Liberal minority government declared.  (Thank fucking god!)

– Evan Solomon: “Voters are saying you get to keep driving the car Justin Trudeau but we want you to still have a chaperone who will steer you to the left.”

– Bernier loses his seat hugely.  I think I read he owns a farm in Alberta – why wouldn’t he run there?

– Saskatchewan Life:

– Only bad thing about a minority government is we get to this all again in 18 months! 🙁

– Liberals always say “A vote for the NDP is a vote for the Conservatives” as a scare tactic.  But in Saskatchewan, the reverse is true: “A vote for the Liberals is a vote for the Conservatives.”

– Elizabeth May gives a shoutout to Naomi Hunter running in Regina-Qu’Appelle saying she’s a “great green” and was hoping she could take out Andrew Scheer “but that’s not going to happen.”

– Quarter to ten and I’m almost done for the night.  What a useless election – I wish Justin Trudeau was punished a bit more for his hubris but whatever.  Blech.

Inscription in Terry Fox Biography

I found this inscription by Terry Fox’s mom in a book in the Carnduff Public Library when I worked for Southeast Regional Library.

Thought it was appropriate to post since today is the 2021 Terry Fox Run.

And as a strong NDP supporter, I’m glad Tommy Douglas won CBC’s “Greatest Canadian”.  But if I had voted in that contest, I would’ve picked Terry Fox personally!

(CBC Gem – “Terry Fox: The Power of One“)

Saturday Snap – Covid 19 Supper Club Returns To The Real World

There’s a small group of people I graduated high school with who live in Regina that we started going out for supper with a few times a year maybe 4-5 years ago?

We had our last in-person supper before Covid hit at a local brewpub in February 2020 and though we transitioned to a private Facebook group and had a few Zoom gatherings or smaller gatherings, the full group of a dozen or so of us hadn’t all gathered in one place in about 18 months.

But that changed Saturday as one buddy offered us his backyard for a pot luck with brisket and everyone else brought a wide range of sides – baked beans, cornbread, salads, veggie trays and not one, not two, but THREE different desserts!

Even though most of us just keep re-telling the same high school stories we’ve heard a million times, it was still great to get together and share updates on our lives, our families, and our respective Covid experiences (which was especially timely given we had just learned that one of our high school classmates had died of Covid in Medicine Hat very recently.)

Friday Fun Link – The Role of the Crowd in Pro Wrestling

Love the way the crowd is an active participant in these two recent clips from AEW.  Even if you don’t know the wrestlers or the storylines and back story to these clips, you can’t help but feel the energy…

CM Punk Debuts After Seven Years Away From Wrestling:

Bryan Danielson Challenges Kenny Omega:

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Making a Difference at the Library (May 2021)

“He likes repetition,” she said. “So it’s like ‘yea you were just at the library to visit Jason, and you got to see Cheri, and Shirley gave you the hand stamp. There’s a real connection there that’s vital to him.’”

Brandon was a child of the system who was put into foster care at the age of 18 months and transferred through dozens of homes by the time he was six. Now age 29, he continues to struggle with a variety of physical and intellectual disabilities. He is non-verbal and uses hand gestures to communicate.

In May 2021, the Leader Post ran a story about some unique things happening at RPL and I was proud that I had direct connection to both things they mentioned with a shoutout from the “For the Love of Matthew” family who are perhaps the strongest advocates for inclusion in the entire province and also a a mention of “Cops & Readers” by Chief Evan Bray which started out of my branch after Chief Bray came out as a celebrity reader for Family Literacy Day and expressed an interest in doing more partnerships with the library.

Bray has fond memories of participating in the Cops & Readers program. Now in its third year, the program promotes youth literacy. Officers visit library branches to read to young children and talk about the importance of book learning.


Seth Meyers Remembers Norm MacDonald


When Did You Realise You Were Not Young Anymore?

This popular Reddit thread has lots of great examples of how people realised they weren’t young anymore.

Here’s a few of mine…

– in common with some of the most popular answers, I went on a sunset boat cruise in Kelowna about ten years ago.  They were promoting “Classic Rock” but they played stuff from the 1980’s instead of the 1960’s like I expected (may have been the first “wow, am I old now?” moment I can remember.)

– my eye doctor is someone I used to babysit.

– I went for a haircut and the stylist asked if I “wanted my eyebrows touched up too” since they were apparently a little scraggly!

– was at a public event at work and a young regular asked if my kids were my grandkids!

– when I watch a music awards show, I barely recognize any of the artists.  They also usually give the “Lifetime Achievement Award” to somebody who’s probably a decade or more younger than me – Britney Spears or Justin Bieber or whoever.

– Yes, I have been asked if I qualify for a senior’s discount.

– I think our house is almost completely LED lights and I still run around telling everybody to turn them off.

– I’ve started (occasionally) drinking low alcohol beer.

Those are a few off the top of my head.  Unfortunately, I’m sure there are a lot more examples. 🙁