Saturday Snap – Is That A Minecraft Book?

Friday Fun Link – The First Ever Performance of “Purple Rain”

Prince was against his music being available on most streaming services (except artist-friendly Tidal) and even YouTube so it’s hard to find clips to help celebrate the man and his music after his untimely passing yesterday.

Still, there are spots where some clips exist online – none more historic than his first-ever live performance of his signature song, “Purple Rain”.

Although I always admired his talent, showmanship and musicianship, I was never a massive fan of Prince (I traded a college dorm mate my copy of Prince’s “Diamonds & Pearls” for his copy of Blue Rodeo’s “Casino” and I think we were both very happy with that trade.)

At the same time, “Purple Rain” is one of the first cassettes I ever bought in my life (that or “Born in the USA” – can’t remember which I got first) so it obviously has a sweet spot in my heart (and 15 million other Gen-Xer’s too!)  And of course, like most people with ears, I am a huge fan of all his best known songs – from “When Doves Cry” to, yes, “Diamonds & Pearls” from that album I traded away back in 1992.

So anyhow, that’s my quick post on Prince.  Oh, and a cool tip – I started by saying that his music isn’t available on most streaming services.  But a librarian I know in Edmonton pointed out that much of his catalogue *is* available on Hoopla, a streaming service targeted at public libraries!  How cool is that?

An Anti-IPad Game For The iPad

I think I know a couple kids who need this! 😉

A Few Thoughts On @BernieSanders Use of Technology #feelthebern #primaryday #newyork

So today was a pretty big day in the United States as born and raised Brooklyn boy, Bernie Sanders went up against adopted hometown gal, Hillary Clinton in the New York primary in their ongoing battle to secure the Democratic Party nomination.

As someone who’s very interested in the use of digital technology and social media in politics, I thought this would be a good time to make a few observations about some of what Bernie Sanders’ cutting edge campaign has done in this area (as far as I can tell from a distance obviously)…

Music Monday – “The riots started slowly/With the homeless and the lowly/It spread into the heartland/Towns that never got a wristband.”

Paul Simon has a new album coming out and it sounds like it could be a good one

Wristband” – Paul Simon

The Importance of Being Skeptical

One of the things I pride myself on is being skeptical.

Although people sometimes confuse terms, skepticism does not mean “cynical” and it doesn’t mean “being an asshole”.

A true cynic distrusts everything new they see or hear, they’re intolerant to new ideas, and they’re pessimistic about everything. They’re not skeptics. That’s a positive trait. They’re the downers of the group whose self-righteousness tends to bring everyone else down, too.

To me, being a skeptic simply means that I try my hardest not to believe things unless I have a *really* good evidence to believe something is true.

Really good reasons do *not* include things like “Well, I read it on the Internet” or “It just feels right” or “It sounds legitimate” or even “I read/saw it on the news so it must be true.

This approach to life has proven useful in a variety of ways from the smallest (being fairly certain that the man with the East Indian accent who is calling from “Microsoft” to say that he thinks my computer – a Mac mind you – isn’t working is likely running a scam) to the biggest (my long-held personal view, reinforced after much thought, reading and consideration that there is likely no god.)

I was reminded of this value again this weekend when the media went wild (and then social media went wild) with a story about how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau put a “snarky” reporter in his place with a “spontaneous” lecture on the meaning of quantum computing during a photo op/funding announcement for a Theoretical Physics Institute in Ontario.

The story immediately set my spider sense to tingling because the whole situation just seemed too perfect – the setting, the snarky reporter and then the PM just happens to have the perfect answer?  (To be fair, Trudeau did study engineering among one of his many majors over the years so it’s possible that cutting-edge computing technology is a personal interest of his?)

Whether Trudeau’s answer was legitimately spontaneous, accurate or something he’d memorized the night before, what I found frustrating was how so many media outlets (and friends on social media who should know better) passed along what appeared to very likely be a planned stunt, specifically designed to go viral while avoiding legitimate concerns and also managing to counter the popular perception that Justin Trudeau is an intellectual lightweight.  (If true, you have to admit Trudeau’s PR people are brilliant!)

Here are some facts that aren’t being noted as much in the gushing media coverage:

  1. Trudeau primed the media covering the event to ask this question by earlier saying “When we get to the media questions later, I have to tell you: I’m really hoping people ask me how quantum computing works!
  2. The reporter who asks the question references Trudeau’s earlier request by saying “I was going to ask you about quantum computing” before trying to ask a lot more timely question about ISIS.
  3. Trudeau’s explanation sounded intelligent (and perhaps it was a good answer for a lay person) but to actual scientists, his explanation was lacking (tellingly, an employee of the institute that just received the funding is the only scientist to give his answer a 9/10.)
  4. No reporter thought to dig a bit deeper (you know, do their job) by following up by asking: “Did you give that explanation spontaneously or did you prepare for it knowing the subject might come up given the location of today’s announcement?”

So again, I’m sure some will say my bias against Liberals/Justin Trudeau also plays into my skepticism here.

And I admit that may be true to a point.

But I hope I’d be equally incredulous if someone who was leader of the federal NDP, just “happened” to start giving a perfect answer about quantum mechanics during a photo op at a quantum mechanics institute.

But maybe I’m just being cynical. 😉

Saturday Snap – Happy Third Birthday, Sasha!


Friday Fun Link – Fred Eaglesmith & Spirit of the West Documentaries Coming

Two of my favourite music acts of all-time have upcoming documentaries…

Trailer – The Fred Eaglesmith Traveling Steam Show from Lagoonside Pictures on Vimeo.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Pace’s Third Birthday (May 2010)

Sasha’s third birthday is this weekend.

How time flies…it feels like it was only yesterday that we were having Pace’s third birthday party…

3rd Birthday Cake

A Female Leader for SK NDP? Of Course…If They’re The Best Candidate #skpoli

I have no idea if this is a concerted effort but if not, it’s quite a coincidence.

In the last 24 hours on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and in letters to the editor (including in the comments), a variety of people have been putting forward the idea that the next leader of the Sask NDP should be a woman.

Dave McGrane who’s a political science professor and member of the NDP Executive goes so far as to say “the leadership race should not go forward if there is not a female candidate.”


First off, if anyone had agreed to that rule in 2013 when it was four young white dudes named Broten, Meili, Weir and Wotherspoon running, the NDP might still be waiting to pick a leader!

Second, although I am a fan of diversity, I’m never a fan of tokenism (it’s a subtle distinction but it’s there.)  Perhaps Cam Broten’s greatest legacy is that he brought gender parity to a political party in the legislature for the first time in history. But that wasn’t because the party ran women over men purposely (as far as I know) or gave them extra supports or backing (presumably, unless they were in a ridings that was going to get that extra support no matter what.)  Those women who were elected won their nomination contests then they worked like hell then they won their respective elections, just like every other candidate who won.  (Okay, maybe not some of those Sask Party candidates in rural Sask.) 😉

Third, it’s interesting to hear this groundswell for a female candidate when there could equally be calls for other groups to be represented – First Nations most obviously but others as well – but I’m not hearing that (which is maybe telling in and of itself?)

Anyhow, all rambles aside, I honestly quite like the idea of a female leader and think the right (left?) person could provide a nice counterpoint to Brad Wall.

But my hope is that the NDP *won’t* get too focused on this sort of non-issue and that there’s a strong leadership contest featuring (to be fair, as McGrane also says) a range of candidates who could be young or old; male or female; party insiders or outside activists with the best candidate coming out at the end.

How will the party know that someone is the best candidate?

Hopefully, this time the party will pick the candidate who does the best job in the leadership contest in demonstrating they can do the most important things that a Leader needs to do:

Ten Things The Sask NDP Needs From Its Next Leader 

  1. Showing fundraising prowess
  2. Signing up new members
  3. Inspiring current and new members across all parts of the province
  4. Demonstrated intelligence and mastery of policy
  5. Genuine connection with non-members even if they’re not NDPers
  6. Utilizing innovative practices that will lay the groundwork for the party to finally end the Brad Wall era in Saskatchewan
  7. An inclusive, positive approach that brings the party together after the leadership race
  8. Someone who provides a strong contrast to Brad Wall.
  9. I’m not a fan of MBA-speak but I’d like to see someone who *gets* branding, PR, framing, spin and other modern marketing techniques.
  10. The candidate *must* be bilingual. (oops, I thought I was posting about the next Federal leader for a second!) 😉

One Thing The NDP Does *Not* Need From Its Next Leader

  1. A requirement that the leader have a vagina.

May the best (wo)man win!