Need A Break From Non-Stop US Election Coverage? Watch #undecided on Netflix

With only a couple days left, if you want a nice break from the non-stop US election coverage, why not check out “Undecided: The Movie” on Netflix?

This hilarious mockumentary follows two “undecided voters” as they interact with various candidates and try to decide who to support.

Shot with the actual US election campaign as a backdrop, this movie is not only very funny but also reveals how easily both campaigns and the media can be manipulated.


Saturday Snap – What Is “Crazy Things You Find In The Library” For $500, Alex?

Library Dentures

Friday Fun Link – Virtual Reality

At RPL’s annual Staff Development Day today (okay, yesterday since I’m posting this on Saturday), they were demoing a new Virtual Reality accessory the library recently purchased.

This was the Playstation 4 version, not the more well-known Oculus Rift headset that, in many ways, began the popularization of virtual reality devices for home users.

It felt pretty seamless for me (other than it losing track of me a couple times for some reason) but a lot of bystanders had a good laugh at another co-worker who screamed, ducked and flinched as she played the “highway luge” game where you slide down a highway as vehicles rush towards you! 😉

Anyhow, my branch now has a 3D Printer and a patron recently asked the obvious question: “Why?”

I answered that the library has always been about providing access to things that people didn’t have – in our earliest days, we provided books when they weren’t easily available but as new technologies have come along – CD’s & DVD’s, computers and the Internet, and on to video gaming systems and now cutting edge technologies like 3D Printers and VR – the library has always been one of the first places that citizens are exposed to the latest and greatest before they become more affordable or accessible for the home user.

Virtual Reality

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Defining HR Successes? (Oct 2011)

At the annual RPL Staff Development Day in 2011, I had to do an activity with my co-workers where we listed some of the successes of the HR Unit where I was working at the time.

Of course, I’d found out a couple weeks earlier that my position as Organization Development Specialist was being eliminated – which is a move that I guess was technically a success for the Unit.

Awkward! 😉

RPL Staff Day?

Chicago Cubs Win World Series!

I don’t follow baseball as closely as I used to but I always love sports stories like this – the Chicago Cubs, perennial losers who may have been cursed, finally won the World Series after 108 years in a very exciting game that went to extra innings (or so I hear – I didn’t watch it live.)

Pictured above is the Cubs player who threw the final out – and can’t stop smiling as he makes the play!

Tonight, You Belong To Me – The Cutest Video on the Internet?

Did I ever post this before?  So much cuteness – the dad singing with his daughter to keep her from being scared of fireworks, the daughter keeping thinking she hears them, her ragtime voice at the end, how the dad ducks behind her as the song ends so the camera focuses purely on his daughter among many other moments…

Music Monday – “Darkness falls across the land/The midnight hour is close at hand/Creatures crawl in search of blood/To terrorize your neighbourhood”

When this video debuted in 1983, I was ten years old.  I stayed up late on a Friday night to watch it with my Aunt Sandi on Good Rockin’ Tonight (which has a strange Regina connection.)

I think I made it through about two minutes before I started crapping my pants and hiding my head under a blanket on the couch.

I just showed it to nine year old Pace and he watched it, half-bored, reminding me that Call of Duty has a mode that lets you shoot zombies and maybe the people in the video should’ve played more video games.

Sure, maybe it hasn’t held up so well but still…kids these days! <sigh>

Thriller” – Michael Jackson

Blog Crashes Resolved?

I’m probably speaking too soon but after my blog has been crashing on a near daily basis for way too long, I finally got around to trying the obvious fix.

Earlier this weekend, I disabled all my various plug-ins and have been slowly re-activating them one-by-one to see if I can figure out if there’s one specific one that keeps crashing my site.

So far, so good – the site has gone nearly a 48-hours without crashing and probably half of the plug-ins are back in place.

Of course the obvious cause of a blog regularly crashing – daily hits that far exceed all planned traffic and contingency plans – has already been ruled out.

But still, thanks to those seventeen dedicated readers who come by every day for sticking with this blog, even with the recent hiccups! 😉

Saturday Snap – Farewell Mosiac Stadium #riders #yqr #mosaicmoments #mosaicmemories

Everyone else is sharing their memories of Taylor Field today so I thought I’d share a few of mine…

  • I have no memory of my first game but I have two aunts who’ve had season tickets since forever so as a kid, we’d occasionally be given their tickets and I’d get to go to a game or two every year with my dad (or sometimes our whole family.)
  • I don’t remember the exact details but there was a game in the early to mid-1990’s that was probably the most memorable I ever attended.  The Riders were up by three touchdowns and I should’ve known better but decided to leave with five minutes left.  I heard boos before I left the stadium and just knew the opponents (maybe the Ottawa Rough Riders?) had scored a touchdown.  Then, I got to my car (I always parked in the Superstore parking lot back in those days) and turned on the radio to hear Ottawa had scored another touchdown.  Then, driving home with very little time left in the game, I heard that the opponents had scored one last touchdown and I think ended up winning the game too.  I learned a valuable lesson about not leaving games early that day which would serve me well in the future.
  • For the past few years, courtesy of a friend I worked with on the Ryan Meili leadership campaign, I was able to go the Father’s Day pre-season game with Pace (which reminds me, I still owe said friend some beers!)  Pace isn’t a huge football fan but he likes the mini-donuts and the loud music and it’s cool to take my son the way my dad used to take me.
  • I was living in England in 1995 when the Riders first hosted the Grey Cup and in Calgary when they hosted in 2003 but was pretty happy to take in some of the festivities (though not the big game itself) in 2013.
  • My biggest regret is that I didn’t try harder to get tickets to the 2013 Grey Cup game – seeing the Riders win it at home would’ve been amazing.  But with a six month old at home and not knowing what the weather would be like, I probably made the right choice in the end – at least in terms of long-term marriage harmony! 😉
  • I got to practice on Taylor Field once – I basically got roped into playing high school football by my friends who joined in Grade 9 and needed extra players once some of the older kids moved on.  I joined in Grade 11 and was fortunate to go to a training camp for high school players which included working with one of my all-time favourite Riders, Bobby Jurasin.
  • Hmm, good idea for a list come to think of it…
    My Favourite Riders of All-Time (obviously heavily influenced by two eras I followed most closely – my high school years and the Riders’ recent resurgence) 
    1. Kent Austin
    2. Weston Dressler
    3. Bobby Jurasin
    4. Darian Durant
    5. Joey Walters
    6. Dave Ridgway
    7. Kory Sheets
    8. Chris DeFrance
    9. Bob Poley
    10. Andy Fantuz

Friday Fun Link – Car Pool Karaoke with Saskatoon’s New Mayor

Saskatoon’s just defeated mayor missed the Gay Pride parade during his thirteen years in the Mayor’s Chair (no matter his personal feelings, he obviously missed the memo about representing all citizens of his city.)

Anyhow, I get the impression Saskatoon’s new mayor won’t miss the parade…