Camping Injury Report

Camping is a strange thing – you pay a lot of money to basically live in the wilderness with all the attendant dangers and risks.

This summer, we’ve had a few…

  • Pace hit himself in the face with a metal scooter while attempting a trick, cutting his face, giving himself a fat lip and loosening one tooth.
  • Pace fell on a hillside path and scratched his chest with a branch pretty good
  • Pace (see a theme here?) injured his wrist briefly after a wipe out at the Fort Qu’Appelle skate park.  I initially feared a break but luckily it was just tender for awhile.
  • Sasha fell while running on the road in front of the campsite and scrapped her knee pretty good.
  • Sasha’s had a few “sand in the eyes” moments on the playground.  My hope is that it’s not from kids throwing sand intentionally at her but just being careless as they dig wildly.
  • Both kids have been hit by a swing when not paying attention.
  • One cousin who was visiting had an accident on his bike and hurt his groin pretty bad.
  • I have had innumerable splinters because I keep forgetting to put on work gloves when I haul/chop wood (or even lifting logs from our wood pile to the fire can give a splinter if you’re not being careful/have a couple beers in you!)
  • I’ve also had a couple headaches in the morning through the summer but I’m not sure what caused those! 😉
  • At different times, Shea and I have both suffered through at least one weekend with a cold/sore throat/runny nose which is not fun at the best of times and especially when you’re camping.
  • I’m usually most susceptible but none of us have had any bad sunburns all summer though I did burn my nose one weekend.
  • Sore legs.
  • …plus the usual mixture of small cuts, blisters, bruises from random small accidents or injuries.

Music Monday – “I just wanna Rolly Rolly Rolly with a dab of ranch/I already got some designer to hold up my pants/I just want some ice on my wrist so I look better when I dance/Have you lookin’ at it, put you in a trance”

Not the most traditional campfire song but here’s another Music Monday song that we’re hearing a lot at our seasonal campsite thanks to Pace who’s a bit more plugged into current music trends than I am. 😉

(One fun highlight of our most recent weekend was watching him create various playlists on our streaming music service – one for rap songs, one for rock songs, one for pop songs.)

Rolex” – Ayo & Teo

Friday Fun Link – 39 s’Mores Hacks That Will Change Your Life


Of course Buzzfeed has the perfect listicle for this topic.

We’ve tried a few s’mores variations ourselves with a current favourite being “Exploding s’moreos” where we not only use an Oreo instead of a graham cracker but also the limited edition Fireworks Oreos that have pop rocks candy mixed in!

10 Things I’ve Dealt With In Libraries That Aren’t Covered in Library School

  1. Bat removal
  2. Poop on floor in public area (child)
  3. Poop  on floor in washroom (adult)
  4. Blood splattered across entire bathroom
  5. A kid’s Easter egg but full of drugs
  6. Arguments over $0.30 fines
  7. People who say “I pay your salary!”
  8. People who are *really* concerned about delays in getting their items on time.  (I’m talking “evil Rainman” levels of obsessiveness!) 🙂
  9. Patrons telling me how the library’s internal policies and systems work.
  10. Being punched in the shoulder “jokingly” by an older male patron leaving a bruise.

Guess which two happened this week?

Dates of When Various Countries Adopted Universal Healthcare and When They Gave It Up As A Total Disaster

Music Monday – “From nine till five I have to spend my time at work/The job is very boring, I’m an office clerk/The only thing that helps me pass the time away/Is knowing I’ll be back at Echo Beach some day.”

Another unofficial theme for our seasonal camp site at Echo Valley Campground, especially after last weekend when we hit Echo Beach a couple times…

Echo Beach” – Martha and the Muffins

Five Disadvantages of a Seasonal Site

I did a post about the advantages of a seasonal camp site so it’s only fair to list some of the disadvantages.

  1. I already mentioned that it ends up being more expensive than you realise.
  2. You end up feeling obligated (or at least we do) to go out to your camp site as much as you can so you end up missing other fun things – we’ve turned down free tickets to Regina Folk Fest, an invite to go to Mustard Fest and it’s extremely unlikely we’ll get to even one Riders’ game in person this summer like we usually do.
  3. On a related note, because we try to get to the lake every weekend, a lot of stuff we normally do on weekends – laundry, grocery shopping, cutting grass, housecleaning, etc. – either gets neglected or squished into our already busy weekday evening routines.
  4. It’s probably not a huge deal but because we end up hauling out a lot more for a seasonal site than we would for shorter overnight trips, we’re likely going to spend more time hauling all the stuff back – either piecemeal over a series of weekends or all at once with a cargo trailer or something.  (Then we’re going to have to find *more* space to store all the stuff we accumulated too.)
  5. The more you’re at your camp site, the more chance that a spontaneous water balloon fight will break out and, unlike when we were growing up, adults (and even some kids) now carry electronic devices with them at all times. So there’s a risk of your device getting soaked (hasn’t happened yet but Grandpa took a water balloon in the chest from someone – not Sasha though she’s smiling mischievously in this picture – that could’ve been bad if he had his phone on him!)

Saturday Snap – Abandoned Bike

Pace took a couple friends camping this past weekend.  At one point, he asked if they could ride out to the lookout near our site and take their bikes down the hill.

I interpreted this to mean “Down the little dirt path to the point just beyond the lookout” but he took it to mean “no, ride them all the way down a very steep valley hill!”

After the boys were gone for a *very* long time, I went on my bike to investigate.  I got close and saw a bunch of boys on a large monument and thought “Oh, they’re just hanging out.”

I almost turned back but thought, “Hmm, those didn’t look like our boys.  Plus I think I saw four, not three.”

So I go closer to investigate.  “Did you guys see another group of kids on bikes?”

“Yeah, they rode down the hill.”

“To the point?”

“No, down the hill.”

I go down the dirt path, still hoping to find them somewhere near the top of the valley.  I find Pace’s bike (the photo is from after I moved it back to the lookout, not the point where I found it) and think “Oh, at least he was the only smart one.”

I start down the steep path (hard enough to walk down and I can’t imagine riding a bike down, even if I was ten!) and find the boys about half way down trying to push one of their bikes up.

Turns out they had all rode down part way then walked their bikes (including Pace’s) the rest of the way but then realised they had to get them back up the hill.  They’d managed to get Pace’s up first (er, wasn’t as smart as I hoped!), another kid’s was halfway up when I found them and one was at the bottom of the hill.

“Go back down and I’ll go get Grandpa’s truck and come pick you up there.”

I retrieve Pace’s bike and put it where it’s pictured above then ride my bike back to the camp to explain what happened.  We grab a few bottles of water and go to pick up the boys.

When we get to them, they’re drenched in sweat (oh, it’s about +29 on top of everything) and admit they thought they were in trouble but funny enough, Grandpa Dennis and I had chatted on the drive down that we would both have probably done the same thing at their age.

But that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea – later that weekend, I bumped into a friend who was into riding snowmobiles and motorcycles in high school and he said him and a buddy also rode down that hill when they were around the same age.  They actually rode, not walked, their bikes and made it to the bottom but right at the bottom, his friend wiped out and broke his collarbone and got road rash all over his body!

Luckily, we were able to keep Pace’s two friends in one piece the entire weekend *and* give them a story which I suspect will become quite legendary by the time they return to school in the fall!

Friday Fun Link – Every Library and Museum in America Mapped

17,000 libraries vs. 14,000 McDonald’s – forget “Value Meals”, sometimes the stats show what society really values.

(via MetaFilter)

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Our First Visit to Echo Valley Provincial Park (June 2015)

Before we had our seasonal site there, we stayed at Echo Valley for a weekend in June 2015.

We had a site backing right onto the main playground, only steps from where our seasonal site is now (I often sit in our seasonal site and look over diagonally at the ever-changing nightly campers staying in “our” original spot.)

During our various camping trips, I’ve pulled the rPod through torrential rain, up and down valley highways and in heavy city traffic without issue or incident.  But this trip is also notorious because we had such a brutal cross wind on the trip home that I immediately listed the rPod for sale on Kijiji when we got home!

I came to my senses when I started getting inquiries the next day but there’s probably a pretty clear connection between that harrowing trip and our decision to try to get a seasonal site rather than risk getting into a similar situation again.

(Can you even call in “wind” to work if you decide you can’t make it home from a far off campground because the wind is too much for your tow vehicle to handle?) 😉