Saturday Snap – Autumn Falls

Fun to play in but fallen leaves are also a sad reminder the summer’s coming to an end. 🙁

Friday Fun Link – People Share Their Favourite Work Email Snark Phrases

I admit to both sending and receiving many of these over the years. 🙂

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – FIMS MLIS Student Council (December 2006)

I find it pretty funny that, as someone who was frequently a motivationally-challenged student, I ended up being the Academic Rep on two different student councils – both during undergrad at Luther College in Regina and later while doing my MLIS at Western in London, Ontario.

But perhaps it’s similar to how I have often ended up serving as Secretary when I’m on a Board of Directors – maybe it’s just one of those roles you seem destined for (or perhaps just because no one else wants it?)

(I also think it’s funny that, while most of my colleagues chose to pick a fairly professional photo of themselves against a neutral background, I chose a photo of myself wearing someone else’s hat while on the patio at the Grad Club after a few pints.  Yep, bring all your academic issues to me and I’ll solve ’em, alright!) 😉

Books n’ Roses: Capsule Reviews of the Three GnR Autobiographies

One of the best and worst things about working in a public library is you’re always seeing books come across the desk that you’d like to read.

That happened last summer when a patron returned the three autobiographies that have been written by founding members of G n’ R (so far) – one by Slash, one by Duff and one by Steven Adler.  I saw them all together and thought “that’s a great idea – reading all the books at once would give you three different perspectives on the same events.  Plus you’d get the added bonus of all kinds of tales of sex, drugs and general debauchery since GnR was one of the most notorious bands of the 1980’s for that kind of stuff.”

I proceeded to read them all (Duff’s then Adler’s then Slash’s) and would rank them in the same order that the aggregated ratings of people voting on GoodReads have.

It’s So Easy (And Other Lies)” by Duff McKagan (4.18 Stars)
The best book of the bunch, it’s telling that Duff is the only one to not use a ghost writer so his real voice comes through.  Plus he’s probably seen the biggest change in his life – after bottoming out with addictions, he regained his physical (through mountain biking and martial arts) and mental (completing a college degree) health.  For a guy who once drank his own vomit to get back the alcohol, he’s gone on to become a respectable, well-centered family man who takes his daughters to Taylor Swift concerts!

Slash” by Slash and Anthony Bozza (3.96 Stars)
No doubt about it – Slash is an icon.  He got an extended ovation when he was introduced in Regina and he’s the Keith Richards to Axl’s Mick Jagger.  He possibly also has the most interesting story of the three – child of mixed-race parents, had potential as a competitive BMX racer growing up, actually very shy in real life apparently.

My Appetite for Destruction: Sex, Drugs and Guns & Roses” – Steven Adler and Lawrence Spagnola (3.55 Stars)
The joke about Adler is appropriate – how messed up to you have to be to get kicked out of Guns n’ Roses?  But there you go – even as the band rakes it in with a worldwide reunion tour today, Adler is still on the outs with the band.  Even in his own book, he comes across as a self-centered, oblivious asshole.  Perhaps the only redeeming quality is that, as the worst of a bad bunch, Adler’s story is arguably the most debauched if that’s of interest to you.  (But all three put up some strong competition on that front.)

Now if we could only get Axl to write his autobiography?

Westeros’ New Power Couple?

Music Monday – “Radicals and Racists/Don’t point your finger at me/I’m a small town white boy/Just tryin’ to make ends meet”

After the concert I saw last night, is there any doubt which band I’ll feature for Music Monday?

But which song?

There are lots to choose from – big hits, underrated gems, personal favourites – but given my interest in Freedom of Expression as well as the band’s reputation in general, how about possibly G n’ R’s most controversial song (and given that they covered a Charles Manson song, that’s saying something!)

On that note, I’ve got perhaps my longest-ever percolating blog post in draft form with a variety of my thoughts about language, censorship, political correctness, pop culture, politics, and how all these things intersect.  But I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to posting it – I keep going back and re-writing and it seems like every day gives me something new to add to the list.

One In A Million” – Guns n’ Roses

My Son’s First Major Concert Is @gunsnroses #gnrregina #yqr #notinthislifetime #WishesItWasEminem

(I didn’t get a good picture of my son at the GnR concert tonight but here’s one of us camping which is fitting since that’s where this story begins…)

When Guns n’ Roses was announced for the first “big” concert at the new Mosaic Stadium, I wanted to go but decided not to buy tickets – both because I figured we’d probably be camping and also because the prices were pretty high.

We were indeed camping this weekend but, as we were lingering in our seasonal campsite as we often do until later on Sunday afternoons, I started to see Facebook posts from friends who were showing up at the concert – a cousin from Saskatoon, a high school friend who I used to listen to GnR with, a co-worker.

Then I saw someone post that Ticketmaster was reselling tickets for as low as $35.

It was around 6pm already.  GnR were slated to take the stage at 7:30pm.  Our camp site is 45 minutes from Regina but with the amount of road work east of Regina, that’s usually longer – maybe closer to an hour.  That left half an hour to spare at the most.

“Uhm, honey, there’s something I need to tell you…”

Luckily, I have a very understanding, kind wife who (usually) overlooks my spontaneous nature.

One other wrinkle – my ten year old overheard me talking to his mom and decided he wanted to tag along too since he is really starting to get into music this summer but he hasn’t been to the new stadium or to a big concert.

I still feel guilty I didn’t take him to KISS for his first concert when they came through the city a couple years ago (how cool would that be for a first concert?) so I decided GnR would be a good substitute – even though his tastes don’t really lean to 80’s hair metal bands.  But for $35 to see one of the greatest bands of all-time?  Why not – even if he doesn’t appreciate them now, he’ll appreciate them someday – just like I appreciate the first big concert my parents took me to – uhm, Kenny Rogers, I think?  🙂

We were packed up and ready to go pretty much so we made it into the city in record time, Shea buying the tickets on the Ticketmaster app as I drove.  We skipped unloading the van like we usually do after a weekend of camping (I promised my wife I’d do it after the concert) and my son and I quickly got cleaned up and changed clothes before heading to the Stadium.

Unlike, the good old days, Axl wasn’t three hours late taking the stage but unfortunately, he wasn’t even three minutes late.  I heard “It’s So Easy” as we were walking up to the Stadium and it wasn’t even 7:30pm yet.  We got through security and to our seats as they finished playing “Mr. Brownstone” (which is one of my all-time favourite GnR songs so I was disappointed to miss it.  It’s also too bad we didn’t get to hear the roar as the band first took the stage.)

Once in our seats (which had said “obstructed” but other than some rigging in front of us, not too bad), I checked to see what GnR played a few nights ago in Winnipeg as I’d heard their setlist was varying very little from show to show.  That’s how I knew we’d luckily only missed a couple songs.

After that, the entire concert was a trip down memory lane for me (along with the sad realization that I am now the target demographic for 80’s bands doing reunion tours.  It reminded me of how we were in Kelowna a few years ago and booked a “Classic Rock” dinner boat cruise.  I was expecting a cover band playing Beatles and Rolling Stones and stuff I think of as “Classic Rock”.  Nope, the band played Poison and Bon Jovi and yes, GnR. Made me feel *really* old!)

Pace initially wanted to go but once there, I think he wasn’t too sure if he’d made the right decision.  There’s a few reasons for this – I haven’t totally converted him to my type of music and his tastes lean more to modern hip hop, trendy YouTubers and novelty songs about fidget spinners. Plus the fact that he was there with his fat, 40-something dad (never cool at the best of times), especially if dad is singing along with all the songs and occasionally even standing up to dance! 😉

So I suspect that right now, his main memories of this concert aren’t going to be the music or the experience. Instead, it is probably going to be how loud it was, how I treated him to $8 nachos plus the amazing fireworks and confetti display at the end.

But my main memory will be getting to take my son to his first big concert at the end of the summer when he’s at an age where he’s really starting to get into music for himself.  And someday I’m sure he’ll also realise just how cool it is to be able to say that his first big concert was seeing literally the biggest band in the world- both in the 1980’s and, at least in terms of concert grosses, again today.

But if not, I’ll keep my eyes peeled to see if Eminem is playing anywhere close…just in case! 😉

Saturday Snap – @TheBushwakker Rhubarb RedFife Witbier @parkscansaskatchewan @reginasymphony

Amazing day at Motherwell Homestead watching Regina Symphony Orchestra’s “Symphony Under The Sky”.

Friday Fun Link – What Movie Is Better Than The Book?

The eternal question.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Heading To Our Seasonal Site (May 2017)

This one doesn’t reach too far back but given that summer’s (too) quickly coming to an end, I thought I’d post a selfie Shea took of us on our way out to our seasonal campsite in mid-May (and yes, I think our daughter might’ve been buried under some pillows since our van was so full!)