Yanny vs. Laurel: Meme of the Year?

Is anybody talking about anything else today?

First of all, the clip is, according to Sanker “not prototypical” of either laurel or yanny. It’s somewhere in the middle. Sanker said the l/y discrepancy might come from the fact that the sound there isn’t velarized—the speaker’s tongue isn’t touching the back of their soft palate (the velum), as many American English speakers do when they say an l. The middle consonant is definitely not an n, Sanker said, but you might hear one because the vowel in front of it sounds particularly nasal. People who hear laurel are hearing a syllabic l in the second syllable, which has some similarities to the vowel sound at the end of yanny. Both are sonorants—you could go on singing them until you run out of air, as opposed to an obstruent like p or t.

For the record, all the old ears in our household hear “Laurel” and all the young ears hear “Yanni”.

And although there are exceptions, that’s apparently pretty standard due to the  way that people lose the ability to hear higher frequencies as they age.

But technology to the rescue –  you can apparently pitch shift to hear the word you’re missing!

Fire Bans in Place for Sask Provincial Parks South of Churchill River

We didn’t get a fire ban until the end of summer last year.

But it’s been crazy dry the last couple years so here we go right at the start of the camping season (and yes, the regional park we’re booked into won’t escape without a fire ban either until some rain comes.) 🙁

Thank goodness for propane heaters!

Music Monday – “Well I don’t mind wastin’ my time/On this crazy afternoon/I got sunshine and red wine/A friend of mine takin’ it easy”

For the upcoming summer, we weren’t sure whether we’d end up camping at a provincial park like we did last year or if we’d switch to a regional park.

Both have advantages and disadvantages but with Shea’s mom undergoing cancer treatment, it made our decision to go to Nickle Lake Regional Park where her folks have camped for a decade instead of a provincial park pretty easy.

Initially we weren’t drawn for a seasonal site at Nickle and were only going to be able to camp down there for July and August on monthly bookings.

But this past weekend, we got great news that a seasonal spot had opened up so now we’ll be able to move in to the park in time for the upcoming May long weekend!

Let the camping begin…

“Linda, Put The Coffee On” – Ray Materick

Saturday Snap – Fuck Cancer

Kudos to my mother-in-law who “rang the bell” earlier this week after completing seven weeks of radiation and chemo therapy for cancer.

Also have to give special recognition to my wife and my father-in-law who went above and beyond with support through this difficult time – from miles on the road to 6am text messages.

Finally, some weird trivia – turns out that my mother-in-law had the same kind of cancer as Babe Ruth who was one of the first people to undergo the combination of radiation and chemotherapy still used to treat this kind of cancer today.

Friday Fun Link – @officialRPL Mother’s Day Video

This RPL Mother’s Day video is great!

It makes me excited for RPL Father’s Day video next month where various dads who work for the system try not to get emotional while reading passages from “Fight Club” to our children. 😉

Just kidding – this video is great and I know I can’t get through reading this story to my kids without tearing up so kudos to all my co-workers who participated!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Kelowna Boardwalk (July 2009)

Myth America

(h/t to JB on FB)

Is “A Horse Is Loose In A Hospital” The Best Donald Trump Analogy So Far?

Fast forward to near the end of this clip for the joke…



Music Monday – “Yeah, this is America/Guns in my area/I got the strap/I gotta carry ’em”

This Is America” – Childish Gambino

Saturday Snap – Beautiful Cinco De Mayo Supper by @tropemxfood Hosted By @prairiecherry Over the Hill Orchard

Shea saw on social media that their was a cancellation for the first of the weekly “Supper in the Orchard” events at Over The Hill Orchards just outside Regina so snatched it up.

We’ve been out to Over The Hill Orchards once before for a Mother’s Day Brunch event but their restaurant area has undergone significant (and breathtaking) renovations since then.

This kick-off event for the season happened to feature Mexican cuisine for Cinco de Mayo which made it extra special as this year is our 15th Wedding Anniversary of being married in the Mayan Riviera.

Perfect night.