Day One in Quarantine vs. Day Fifty

I’m at 54 days in quarantine as of today but close enough…

Saturday Snap – Covid Helping Us To Connect With Long Lost Friends

Shea and I have tried to do regular video chats with various friends and family throughout this pandemic but last night, we decided to do something a bit different – instead of a sustained conversation with one person or group, we decided to try “chat roulette” where we’d message random people on our Facebook friend list to see if they could have a quick chat.

That’s how we ended up randomly chatting with one of the coolest people I met during my England Exchange in 1995.  In the pre-social media days, I lost track of him but eventually found him by reaching out to the alumni association of his college.

We caught up by email but it never occurred to me to do a video chat – until last night.  He said he was disappointed as his wife and kids were around last night but he was home alone but we still had a great time catching up, comparing notes on Living La Vida Covida, and reminiscing about our England adventures.

One small thing I hope Covid does is remind us how connected the world is and how easy it is to stay in contact with people we might not otherwise.

Friday Fun Link – Which Prime Minister Are You?

A fun little quiz where you answer a few questions and it’ll tell you which Canadian Prime Minister’s personality you align with the most.

I’m apparently Wilfred Laurier


Throwback Thursday – #tbt – “Reader Pride” Wrap-Up (June 2008)

This was the wrap-up for a major region-wide literacy program called “Time To Read” (with a slogan “Reader Pride”, a pun on Saskatchewan’s well-known “Rider Pride”) that I was involved with in my first job after I graduated from library school.

It’s crazy to think how much in this photo is now being impacted by the coronavirus – Saskatchewan schools has officially announced this school year is over, the CFL is asking for bailouts and confirming the season is basically cancelled, even seeing shots of kids standing so close together feels strange and dangerous.

But one thing that hasn’t changed is knowing that no matter what happens, the public library is a part of the communities they serve to promote reading, literacy and learning – even if an in-person wrap-up party with local celebrities isn’t possible these days.

When Can Canadian Public Libraries Reopen? @librarianshipCA

I’ll likely do a longer post with some thoughts on how libraries across North America have reacted to the COVID crisis at some point and also some personal thoughts on how/when they should reopen.

But now that a few provinces have begun to include public libraries in their reopening plans (I’m looking at you, Saskatchewan!), I thought it might be useful to try to summarize the different dates in one place.

Please post a comment or send me a message if you have any additional information from what I have below…

Public libraries allowed to reopen:?
BC – mid-May
AB – Stage 2 of reopen plan but no timeline set after Stage 1 which begins in mid-May (no earlier than June 30 for CPL via Library CEO)?
SK – no mention in reopen plan? but libraries may be in later stages – Phase 4 or even 5 – depending on how you read the plan/look at where similar orgs are placed.
MB – April 29 (but may take month to be ready via Winnipeg councillor) ?
ON – no announcement?
QC – no announcement?
NB – no announcement?
NS – no announcement? (Halifax Public Library has extended their closure indefinitely)
PE – no announcement?
NL – no announcement?
NW – no announcement?
NU – no announcement?
YK – no announcement?

Any changes, corrections or additions I can make about updates from specific library systems?

Guitar Teacher Reacts To…

Stumbled on this YouTube series where a guitar teacher listens to a recommended song by his fans and then provides commentary.  He’s often never heard the song before but provides a lot of great insight, even on a first reading (er, hearing)…

Sometimes the power of music is in the lyrics and delivery…

Metalhead turned bluegrasser…

And even some Saskie connections…


Music Monday – “Star Wars/If they should bar wars/Please let these Star Wars/Stay”

Happy May the Fourth to you!

“Star Wars Theme” – Bill Murray

Man Living Off-Grid In A Tent On An Island

If this whole COVID-thing gets *really* shitty, I can at least dream that this was an option for me as the marauding hordes stab me to death for my last sheet of toilet paper. 🙁

Saturday Snap – Dogs Playing Poker (Quarantine Edition)

One of Pace’s virtual school assignments was to recreate a famous painting.

Shea suggested one of the most famous paintings of all-time “Dogs Playing Poker” and I think the results were quite good…

Friday Fun Link – COVID Spread (January 1 – April 26)

Not sure if this is a “fun” link per se but interesting to see how the virus moved from China then quickly spread across the whole world creating our current unusual reality…