Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Our First Dine-In Restaurant Meal in Three Months! (March 2020-June 2020)

Usually my “Throwback Thursday” posts go at least a few years back.

But this one has me thinking of the past three months – from our last dine-in meal at the Houston Pizza near our house on Friday March 13 after we picked up the kids from what would be their last day of school this year to Wednesday June 17 when Shea and I took advantage of loosening restrictions for restaurants to go to Bar Willow, one of Regina’s best restaurants for a delicious meal!

(Then, social butterfly that I am, I later met a couple people I volunteer with for a local organization for more food and drinks at Crave Kitchen & Wine Bar – definitely releasing some pent-up need for the type of traditional social interactions I took for granted only a few short months ago!)

The Tragic Saga of Officer Stacey McMuffin

There’s been a huge amount of attention to police budgets and police brutality recently.

It’s been so overwhelming that a 15-year veteran of a Georgia county police force had a melt down in a McDonald’s parking lot after her food didn’t come out right away and she thought the staff were likely planning to poison her (the cops who were “poisoned” recently ended up getting a milkshake with residue from the cleaning products a restaurant was using to clean machines more frequently due to COVID!)

Anyhow, I’m not sure that a person who reacts with this much anxiety and paranoia to her fast food order being *delayed* slightly (we’ve all been there) and with no other evidence (good word for police, eh?) of foul play, should be in a position to carry a weapon or have influence over the lives of others.


Evolution of Covid-19 Case Numbers in Canadian Provinces

This is a good video but guilty of one of my biggest pet peeves of the data analysis of this entire pandemic – not using per capita numbers as a comparator.

Without taking into account per capita numbers and barring some notable outliers (hello Alberta!), of course the most populous provinces are going to be at the top of any graph of Covid-19 numbers.

But using total numbers doesn’t show that, for example, BC which has about five times the population of Saskatchewan, has about the same proportionate number of cases as our much smaller province.  On the other hand, Alberta has 80% of the population of BC but more cases overall which would stand out even more if this was comparing numbers using the same scale.

Anyhow, this is neither good nor bad and there are places where using raw numbers is important and times where per capita numbers make sense.  But in datasets like this, I think it’s most useful to compare apples to apples.

Music Monday – “Granddad’s ranch dried up fast/Ol’ Johnny Chisholm, he’s seen to that/He’s seen to that, matter of fact/Just as sure as Billy-boy got slain by Pat”

The Trains Are Gone” – Colter Wall

The Economic Impacts of Covid-19

This is a British article but many of the findings are going to apply for countries around the world – from increased unemployment to reduced airline traffic to positive environmental impacts and more.

Saturday Snap – Our Oasis

Doing a lot of work in our new seasonal campsite (we were granted a move from a smaller site we were in other years to a bigger, better one) to make it relaxing and peaceful…

Friday Fun Link – King of Staten Island Trailer

Everything’s changing due to Covid and Hollywood is no different.

This is a movie that would’ve had a fairly traditional release – film festival then widely in theatres then to video-on-demand – but it is now being released today directly to various video streaming services where you can “rent” it for $20 USD (more expensive than the old $5 movie rentals at the corner video store but still *way* cheaper than the ~$100 or so it costs for a couple adults to go out to a movie in the theatre these days!)

This one was already wrapped before Covid hit but it will also be interesting to see how film and television production moves forward in our Covid-world.


Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Sunset at Jan Lake

“Coronavirus Is FAKE NEWS!”


Released on March 6, I think this was the first video that I came across by this guy, maybe a week or two later.

And like many people, I initially thought it was a real guy sharing his views rather than a comedian doing satire (Poe’s Law states “without a clear indicator of the author’s intent, it is impossible to create a parody of extreme views so obviously exaggerated that it cannot be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied.

He’s continued to release short videos on Twitter throughout quarantine and every single one is spot-on and hilarious!

I honestly think that if Netflix created a special that was just these clips strung together it would be bigger than Tiger King! 🙂

Nashville Public Library “Curb Side, Baby” Promotional Video

This is amazing…