No matter how aware you are of them, inevitably when you are charged with buying non-fiction for your library, your personal preferences will creep through. We had a discussion at work recently about the biases of our current and past librarians and here's what we came up with as some of the biases over the […]
Tomorrow is my YouDay. Since the government hasn't officially declared it a statutory holiday as per my recommendation, I am taking it off using one of my earned holidays as per my personal YouDay policy. Having Friday off, along with the recent news that the State of Utah is moving 20% of government employees to […]
One of the tools that HR departments use these days is the 360 Review where, instead of the traditional performance review by your superior, feedback about your performance is solicited from everyone you work with – colleagues, co-workers, people you supervise, etc. We don't do 360 reviews at Southeast Regional Library but after talking to […]
No, not the catchy Feist song… Instead, “Saskaboom” was the name given to a feature that CBC's “The National” aired last night on Saskatchewan and our booming economy. The piece included a feature on Weyburn and the impact of the oil sector on the local economy. So if you want a taste of the city […]
Read at Work is a site from the New Zealand Book Council that allows you to read classic books, poetry, samples from selected New Zealand authors and more, online and formatted to look like either the Windows XP interface and Powerpoint presentations. Very fun and cool (though I do not, of course, advocate performing non-work […]
Today, I went to the wind-up of Time To Read, a joint project of Southeast Regional Library and the Prairie Valley School Division. I was part of the initial steering committee for this project which started last summer but had to reduce my role when I went on the road for most of January, February […]
As I may have mentioned before, the younger me would probably punch the older me in the mush if he could see how much management theory I'd be reading (and enjoying ) at this point in my life. To me, one of the most interesting aspects of management theory today is the interplay between different […]
I drove nearly four hours round-trip today to do a five minute presentation at a tea in honour of a branch assistant who's been with our region for fifteen years……which makes me think that rural librarianship has some unique requirements you won't find in any other type of library……which makes me think that rural librarianship […]
Today was our semi-annual branch librarian's workshop where we hold a day-long series of presentations related to librarianship and our library system specifically. It went off fairly well with the usual mix of the good (the Dilly Bars from DQ for the afternoon “stretch break” were a hit, even if the weather had turned bitterly […]
Today was our library region's AGM and, though it fell on a different day (April 5 this year, March 31 last year), in my mind this marks one year that I've been with Southeast Regional since that was the day that I officially started. It's funny to think back to that first day – just […]