Category Archives: Work

The Facebook Generation vs. The Fortune 500

Rarely do I read an article where I just keep going “yes, yes, yes!” (well, not in a mainstream publication anyhow! ) But that was my reaction after reading “The Facebook Generation vs. The Fortune 500”, a Wall Street Journal article which outlines the 12 differences between the Facebook generation (aka Generation Y aka  Millennials […]

Music Monday – "Snow's so merciless/Poor old Montreal/In spite of everything that's happened/In spite of it all"

Time to break out the long-neglected “CLA Conference” tag.  Just got word today that I was approved to go to this year's CLA conference in Montreal at the end of May!  I'm especially happy about this because I'd had a feeler extended to see if I'd be coming to the conference and available to sit […]

Innovation Spotlight – Las Vegas Public Library

One of the things I do in my position with RPL is work with a couple of my colleagues to write content for our internal staff e-newsletter.  One week, we write an “RPL Update” which talks about some of the latest happenings at our library then.  Every second week, we write an “Innovation Spotlight” which […]

FTRW 2009 – Happy Freedom to Read Week (Feb 22-28)

Canada’s Freedom to Read Week begins today and continues until February 28.  As I did last year and the year before, I’m planning to do a week long series of posts on current happenings and issues around this topic.I’m not sure if he planned it to coincide with FTRW or not but a colleague at RPL posted […]

Some Library Tensions

The role of management is to do what's in the best interest of the organization.The role of the union is to do what's in the best interest of the people who make up its membership.Union members are expected to adhere to the rules and duties described in the union contract and their job description.Professional librarians […]

Why Google Employees Quit

This post on TechCrunch is showing up on most of the major link aggregators I visit (MetaFilter, Reddit, etc.) so I thought I'd post it here.  Although libraries aren't Google by any stretch of the imagination, we do live in similar worlds so there's probably something to be learned from the discussion about how to […]

"As usual, when it was mentioned that 75% (or whatever) of those working in libraries were women, you could hear the crickets chirping." (or "The Story of How Jason Became A Librarian")

Steven Chabot, my colleague (and roomie) from the Canadian Library Human Resources Summit is looking into some of the reasons why men enter the profession.  Anything related to gender and libraries is a personal interest of mine so I'll take a shot at helping him out (and I'd encourage you to do so too – […]

RPL 100th Anniversary Celebration Finale

Shea and I were looking for something to get us out of the house after a couple of weeks staying mostly inside due to cold weather, holidays and illness.  I was blanking on something to do until I remembered that today was RPL's 100th Anniversary celebration wrap-up after a year's worth of various celebrations and […]

Spot The Customer Service

Tomorrow, I'm coordinating a customer service workshop for a few RPL employees (coordinating but not delivering – that will be handled by a very experienced, very awesome librarian we have on staff who has a lot more background in this area than do I.)I'm sure everyone has those elements of their job that they're ambivalent […]

RPL Kids' Christmas Party

Shea, Pace and I went to our staff Kids' Christmas party today which included a puppet show, juice & cookies and a visit from a somewhat scary old guy in a red suit.  Good times!