Category Archives: Work

On Being A Manager (Someday Maybe) and The Future of Work

In my interview for my first librarian job, I was asked that all-time favourite interview question, “Where do you see yourself going in ten years?”  I replied “I'd like to be a director someday” but to this day, I honestly don't know how much of that answer was me being honest and how much was […]

The CMO's Guide to the Social Landscape

Easily the best session at the PLA Virtual Conference I hosted at RPL last week was the one on “Marketing as Conversation: How to Interact with Your Community Through Your Web Site”. In fact, throughout the presentation, I just kept nodding my head and grinning like a goofball, thinking to myself, “Yep, uh-huh, that's right!” […]

This Is Embarrassing

I've been writing stories since I was a kid.I specialized in creative writing while doing my BA – English.I worked for five years in Saskatchewan's publishing industry.I worked for three and a half years in Alberta's writing industry.I organized and participated in writing retreats, writing groups and workshops.I served on the board of the Saskatchewan […]

Saturday Snap – The Unexpected Benefits of Working at the Library

Two recent events brought home a really cool benefit of working at the public library most probably don't think of – it's a great place to work if you have a child.  A couple weeks ago, Shea had to make an unplanned trip to the doctor (nothing serious but it couldn't wait either) so she […]

And the Oscar for Most Wooden Performance In A Workplace Promotional Video Goes To…

Saturday Snap – Archival Footage of "Sask Sampler Book Archive Launch"

I recently bought a gizmo to convert old VHS tapes and other analog signals to a digital format.  As I was getting it set-up for the first time, I picked a couple clips I had from around ten years ago – one where I'm featured fairly prominently and one where you get to see my […]

Saturday Snap – I'm Ready For My Close-Up, Mr. DeMille!

SaskTel Max, a Saskatchewan-based cable TV service has a feature where they have local content available on-demand for their subscribers.  This might be a clip profiling an upcoming festival or visiting a few of the best known restaurants around town.  Or, in a week or two, it will include a guided tour to the services […]

If I Knew Google Was Dropping By…

…I would've cut the grass! View Larger Map And my workplace – Regina Public Library on the right and beautiful Victoria Park on the left… View Larger Map Oh, okay, one more.  Here's our family farm overlooking the Qu'Appelle Valley.  (It's not documented but someone said that a lot of small towns are in the […]

Saturday Snap – RPL Joins SILS (from local CTV station)

Used a poor man's hack (point iPhone at TV) to get a clip from our local TV news about RPL joining our new province-wide consortium onto YouTube.  Sorry for the crappy sound…

Regina Public Library Joins SILS

Today was the big day when RPL joined three other library systems within the province who had already gone live as part of a province-wide library system called the Saskatchewan Information and Library Services consortium (SILS).  By the end of the year, SILS will be comprised of a total of ten library systems covering the […]