Our children’s librarians have been raving about this book and passing it around the library. I’ve got to say I agree – it’s hilarious! (And yes, I see the irony in posting the YouTube video promoting a book that shows the advantages of old tech over new tech!)
Today is my second anniversary with RPL (only twenty-eight more years to go – but who’s counting?) so I thought I’d do a list to celebrate. On my old blog, I detailed the story of how, when asked in an interview where I’d like to end up in my career, I blurted out that I’d […]
Posted 08 September 2010
This isn’t a Labour Day song per se but those opening lines about struggling to survive on minimum wage and tips captures the struggle of working people as much as any song you’ll hear by Billy Bragg or Pete Seeger. Thanks also to the colleague who posted the following article on Facebook – “Tough Times […]
Here are two recent AskMetaFilter threads that are somewhat related and have some great suggestions – Tips for New Managers and Tips for Executive Assistants.
I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile but a few different things have brought it to the forefront. Soon after starting this blog, I got permission to reprint a list called “10 Things I Wish *They* Had Told Me When I Started Out In Librarianship” by Wendy Newman and this idea is sort of […]
Posted 24 August 2010
Here's some local coverage of a book that's being produced by RPL's “Friends of the Library” group to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the opening of our original Central Library. I'm pretty excited as I ended up being asked to do a brief blurb on what RPL has meant to me over the years so […]
I was in Prince Albert for a couple days last week so stopped at the historic (and endangered) St. Louis Bridge on the way home for a quick photo.
Pace playing on the children's computer at RPL's Sherwood Village Library earlier today (and you know you're a library nerd when you take the whole family there on your day off after spending the whole week working at the library!)
I recently gave kudos to the book “Crowdsourcing” which I'd just finished reading. You know a book's a good one when you're still thinking about it a few days later and you know it's a great one when you keep thinking of ways its lessons might apply in your everyday life beyond that. Very briefly, […]