Category Archives: Work

Saturday Snap – 2012 Sask Book Awards

Sorry this photo is a bit blurry but it’s a shot of the prize table before the Sask Book Awards Gala last night. I attended as a volunteer and had a blast as always.  My main duty was sitting at the nominee registration table so it felt like “old home week” as I got to […]

State of America’s Libraries 2012 Report

Well worth a read. (h/t to ALA Think Tank via Jessamyn)

Music Monday – “Staring out of the window as the clouds roll in/Distant rumbling of a storm about to begin”

On the recommendation of a co-worker, someone who’s big in Australia but hasn’t hit in North America yet. A perfect tune for a drizzly day in the Queen City…

A Bad Year for Computers (And It’s Only April)

It’s funny how we sometimes get locked into one mode of thinking, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary. For example, when we were first planning our Hawaii trip, I decided that the best option for taking photos was to use my iPhone.  At the time, I thought I could purchase some […]

Music Monday – “So we’ll march day and night/By the big cooling tower/They have the plant/But we have the power”

RPL had a successful strike vote tonight which means this is my theme song for the foreseeable future…

Friday Fun Link – Where Are You on the Global Pay Scale?

This interactive graph allows you to enter your monthly, pre-tax wage then see where you fit against the average wage for your country and other countries around the world. Pretty sobering to see that Shea’s and my current wages put us both above the highest per capita earners in the world (Luxembourg) and makes you […]

Brad Wall Hates Renewables?

So it’s not a secret that a big part of the booming Saskatchewan economy is due to our massive non-renewable sector – potash and oil mainly but also natural gas and other similar resources at the expense of developing the renewable industry in any meaningful fashion. When we say “renewables”, most people think of things […]

Music Monday – “I’m so sick of your management/I’m so sick of all of this/I’m so sick of your bullshit.”

Toronto Public Library has gone on strike so I’ll send this song out to my former classmates, colleagues and others who are walking the picket line.  Here’s hoping for a fast and fair resolution.

The Greatest Quote about Librarians Ever?

This still isn’t my ever-percolating rant about e-books and libraries but I wanted to show how the bar has been raised by this awesome post which includes the great passage: And if you thought about it for more than five seconds, you’d understand what the real purpose of the library should be. And it ain’t […]

BYOD in the Workplace

No, not “Bring Your Own Doughnuts” (although that’s an idea I could support!)  Instead, this article talks about BYOD – “Bring Your Own Device” – and how IT departments are (or aren’t) dealing with staff who are increasingly bringing and using their own personal devices in the workplace. I don’t use my iPhone at work […]