The 2016 Saskatchewan Provincial election took place one year ago today. Like me, I’m sure you’re shocked to realise that “Cut rural library budgets by over 50%” wasn’t listed in the Platform the Sask Party ran on during that election. They also didn’t release a budget prior to the election so voters could make a fully informed […]
Wanna know a secret? Although I’ve signed each of the various petitions that are available, attended rallies and done a lot of other work, both visible and behind the scenes, I haven’t formally written to my MLA or Minister Don Morgan or Premier Brad Wall about the recent cuts to Saskatchewan’s public libraries yet. As this blog, with over […]
Many public libraries have added a Value Calculator to their web site as an advocacy tool to show patrons, politicians and other interested parties just how much value they’re getting for their tax dollars. (A few systems in Saskatchewan have also enabled a feature in our province-wide circulation system that prints out “Today You Saved $xx.xx” […]
For Throwback Thursday, I’m posting an article I found in the Spring 2010 issue of the Saskatchewan Library Trustees Association newsletter – a happier time only seven short years ago when the province’s ten library systems joined together to form SILS, a province-wide public library consortium that was the culmination of decades of inter-provincial cooperation between […]
From a comment in… the song is about working class perception and how everyone thinks ‘we dont talk about love, we only wanna get drunk’ whereas in reality the working class can be intelligent and useful, a lot of writers musicians actors sports people etc come from a working class background. ‘libraries gave us […]
Since the Saskatchewan Provincial Budget was announced last week, it’s pretty amazing to see the groundswell of protest at some of the most egregious and harmful cuts, especially to the province’s historic, innovative and world renowned public library system. For example, one Facebook group that sprang up is quickly approaching 4000 members after less than a […]
When we did a family photo shoot in 2011, we decided to use downtown as our location which naturally led us to include a few shots around my employer, Regina Public Library.
I’d been a patron of Regent Place library in Regina long before I ever applied for library school, let alone before I applied to be the Branch Head there. So when I went in for the interview, I laid it on pretty thick about how I was involved in the community, how my son went to […]
I work in the north end but happened to have a couple meetings in the south end this afternoon so was able to swing by the big labour rally that was happening at the Legislative Building over the lunch hour to protest the Sask Party’s fiscal mismanagement and targeting of public service workers. Here’s a […]
When I was working for the Writers Guild of Alberta, we ended up getting into a “Who has the worst (and therefore best!) ID photo?” discussion during one pub night. A young writer I knew pulled out his student ID (which, tellingly, he still carried even though he was no longer a student) and I knew […]