The guy seems like a longshot but so did Donald Trump four years ago!
(More to come once the final product is edited and posted!)
If you’re looking for an alternative to the ubiquitous yule log channels/videos at this time of year, try “Shit Fireplace” (and I’m proud to say the co-creator of these videos is a colleague at RPL!)
There’s no two ways about it – this has been one of the toughest years of our lives. Shea and I have dealt with a family member being diagnosed with, treated for, and living with all the fallout from a fairly serious form of cancer, numerous deaths of people who were connected to us – […]
So I recently got tagged on Twitter by a librarian colleague in Saskatoon (who is both a Mover and a Shaker!) asking if I (and a few other online librarian-types) had any thoughts on the changing view of intellectual freedom within the profession, especially in light of wider changes in society which I took to […]
Hard to believe we’ve been going to the Regina Public Library Kids Christmas Party for ten years. (Well, Sasha hasn’t been going that long but her brother’s been going since he was a baby!) …and you might see a bit of it in our family pic but here’s a better short of the beautiful “Bookmas […]
Pretty crazy day. The power was out from around 9am until early afternoon or even later across most of the southern half of the province. Most businesses, schools and other organizations (including the library) closed down (except for a couple branches that had power) for the day. Makes you appreciate that this is not a […]
The phrase “hard candy Christmas” refers to a time in American history when many families who did not have much money could only afford to give penny candy to their children at Christmas…The hard candy metaphor suggests that life can be hard and sweet at the same time. “Hard Rock Candy” – Dolly Parton
In my first librarian job, my boss and I had the opportunity to oversee the move of a crowded small town library into a soon-to-be-vacated nearby church. This photo was during our first visit to the church to see if it would be a workable space once all the pews and other church holdings were […]