Category Archives: Work

Saturday Snap – This Is The Picture My Wife Sends Me While I’m Being #SaturdayLibrarian

The rest of the family gets a trip to the museum and ice cream; I get to talk to people about chemtrails, flat earth theories, and how Disney hides secret messages in their movies, all while being #SaturdayLibrarian. 😉

Free Walk-In Counselling from @fam_service Being Offered @officialRPL Regent Place Branch, Mondays from 12-4pm, Starting Monday June 3 #yqr

This amazing program has been running at Regina Public Library’s Central and Albert branches for awhile but is now being expanded to the Regent Place branch where I work.  The branch is at 331 Albert St (in the Market Mall that also has Pizza Pizza and Quiznos.) The program offers: * Drop-in counselling on a […]

Saturday Night – Regent Place Triplets Reunited

Usually, men are few and far between in library work.  But I had a brief period where not only was I the only man around, I actually had two other dudes working in my branch out of a staff complement of ten. As a bonus, we all had a similar look so we joked about […]

Craft Beer’s Connection to Libraries

One of my favourite librarian colleagues, Tanya, recently appeared on the podcast of one of my favourite local craft breweries. Considering I used to organize a monthly librarian’s gathering called “Books to Beers”, I think this is the perfect combination! Tanya’s been my co-conspirator for a couple great beer and library-related adventures. When she first […]

Ramadan Library Display

I’m a big believer that you should hire the most qualified person for any job you have (with minor exceptions – for example, I’ve passed on interviewing someone with a masters degree for a half-time page position because I was fairly certain they would move on – and they soon did from the branch that […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – How Did I Get Here? – #8 – Smalltown Saskatchewan

My standard line about farming is that, for whatever reason, I grew up more passionate about books than barley and more interested in computers than combines. With that said, I feel very fortunate that I grew up in a rural community as part of a farming family. I also managed to luck into getting the […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – How Did I Get Here? – #7 – Not-For-Profit Cultural Sector

Like a lot of people who convocate with a Bachelor’s degree, the biggest question is “Now what?” In 1996, I had an expensive English degree, a specialization in creative writing, and not a lot of other options.  (The other big question you get asked, especially with an English degree is: “Are you going to be […]

Comparing The Cuts: Cornwall Alternative School and Saskatchewan’s Public Libraries #skpoli

I was having some bad flashbacks over the past few days after the Sask Party released their budget last week that included an unexpected, unnecessarily cruel cut. But instead of cutting funding to public libraries and threatening to destroy a 100-year old, world-leading system like they did two years ago, the Sask Party targeted Cornwall […]

National Purple Day for Epilepsy Awareness

Shea’s cousin’s son was profiled by the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital for National Epilepsy Awareness Day. Rylan’s seizures started at the young age of two. They indicated something serious, but at that point nobody knew it would take such a toll on his future development and quality of life. As his mom Jacqui helplessly observed […]

Democratic Presidential Candidate, Andrew Wang, on Universal Basic Income

The guy seems like a longshot but so did Donald Trump four years ago!