Category Archives: Work

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – #officialRPL Annual Report 1996 #yqr

One of the ladies in my branches’ “Celebrate Seniors!” program (she’s a model on page 2!) showed me an RPL annual report she recently rediscovered. Amazing stuff…

Saturday Snap – The Risks of Doing An Election-Themed Display

I mean I’m not personally a fan of the guy but we happened to have Justin Trudeau’s autobiography in our collection so I put it on an election-themed display I did (along with a range of books about various topics and issues that are important to supporters of all parties this election season.  I also […]

The Changing Nature of Freedom of Expression: Banning Books Is Anachronistic But Challenges Remain

Good article from The National Post about the changing nature of the debate around Freedom of Expression. What remains is that challenges still come from all sides of the political spectrum. …the bulk of work on freedom of expression is shifting from people who fruitlessly complain about books to attacks on journalists and bloggers. Also […]

What Does Crytal Meth Feel Like?

Saturday Snap – A Glimpse of Our Future?

Shea and I really enjoying the camping lifestyle and, although it’s still a few years away, have begun talking about what it would be like to downsize our house and buy a small camper/motorhome/camper van and just travel around in that once we retire. We got a glimpse of what it might be like this […]

Flipping Through The History Books: Regina Public Library Celebrates 110 Years

One hundred and ten seems like a bit of an unusual anniversary to commemorate but anyhow, the Leader Post does have a great article about RPL and how it’s changed over the years.

Pandas Adjusting Wonderfully to Calgary Zoo

We didn’t have many plans for our week off in August (ten days counting weekends on either end) but a chance conversation with a library patron has us heading to Calgary for a few days. We’d been talking about visiting the Calgary Zoo to see the pandas since they were announced as coming.  But we […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Public Library Cuts Again? #abpoli (June 2010)

It seems like one of the highest priorities for any conservative government is targeting the funding of public libraries – in Newfoundland (May 2016), in Saskatchewan (March 2017), in Ontario (April 2019), and now in Alberta (August 2019 (although to be fair, Jason Kenney’s Conservatives haven’t cut yet but are withholding 50% in advance of […]

(Belated) Throwback Thursday – #tbt – That’s A Switch! (April 2008)

Pace used his saved up birthday/Christmas/babysitting money to buy himself a $500 Nintendo Switch the other day – a long ways from when he was a year old and having fun on the $50 desktop computer I bought from Southeast Regional Library after they decommissioned it.

(Belated) Secular Sunday – America’s Epidemic of Empty Churches

America has an epidemic of abandoned churches but they could always look to convert them into libraries!