Category Archives: Shea

Mexico Rainbow Challenge – Day Five – Blue

Gotta admit – was looking forward to this day/colour for some reason…maybe blue just feels both unnatural as a food/drink colour but also very fitting for the tropics? Anyhow… Her: Blue Hawaiian Him: Blue Lagoon Bonus: Real Mayan Ruins (grey) in the background that you can climb up to and see up close.

Mexico Rainbow Challenge – Day Four – Green

Her: Mojito Him: Caipirinha (which I believe would be as popular as the mojito if it had a more easily pronounceable name!  Also, mine should be greener as I’ve had them with a lot more limes.)

Mexico Rainbow Challenge – Day One – Red

We made it to Mexico! If you read my (long) Year End post, you’ll see that I (mostly) quit drinking.  I didn’t go full AA so that I could allow myself the occasional indulgence (or more if I’m at an all-inclusive for instance.) For example, after a long delay including a text from WestJet at […]

Friday Fun Link – Happy Birthday Shea!

Happy Valentine’s Day, Shea!

Thanks for putting up with me for 20+ years!      

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Our (Legal) Wedding Twenty Years Ago (February 2003)

A few days ago, I posted how it was our 20th anniversary (at least of our legal wedding, not of the ceremony we had on the beach in Mexico a month later which is the anniversary we “count”.) Here’s a picture from our legal wedding (and coincidentally, my cousin who stood up with me happens […]

10 Best Things About Our New Dog (Sarcastic Version)

Regularly embarrasses us by refusing to listen at obedience class (the instructor pictured above is awesome though!) Waking us up at 5am most days Costing us a ton of money since somebody (okay, it’s me) can’t resist buying him a new toy every time I go to the store Happily joining Shea or I in […]

Music Monday – “It’s knowing that this can’t go on forever/Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone/Maybe we’ll get forty years together/But one day I’ll be gone/Or one day you’ll be gone”

I’ve told the story on this blog a few times before how Shea and I technically got married three times (with the related joke that most men can’t keep track of one anniversary and I have to remember three.  Or, flipping that, I have three chances to remember it!) To recap… Our Three Weddings * Feb […]

The Sandwich Generation

I talked to a twenty-something young man the other day who had never heard the term “Sandwich Generation”. Basically, the idea is that anyone who has kids (whether they’re young or older but who still need financial support and/or who live at home) and also elderly parents who they are responsible for caring for is […]

Saturday Snap – Not Impressed With the Smushies!