Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – Happy 51st Anniversary To My Mom and Dad

No surprise plane ride like last year for their 50th. But still had a fun and memorable visit for my parents’ 51st Anniversary last weekend…    

Saturday Snap – Dusty Ol’ Tractor

I was off on Tuesday so did my annual fall drive around the beautiful Qu’Appelle Valley including some back road crop checking. Love this shot of an old tractor at a crossroad with dust hanging in the air…

Saturday Snap – Regina Public Library Central Library

Saturday Snap – Trying on Dad’s Glasses

I joke that when I picked out these glasses, I asked “Do you have anything that will make me look like a cross between John Lennon and Harry Potter?”  😉

Saturday Snap – “Meals That Make Your Mouth Dance”

We don’t consider ourselves “foodies” per se but Shea and I often talk about the restaurant meals we’ve had that “made our mouths dance”. This rarity happens when we find a combination of unique flavours from fresh ingredients created by great chefs.  (Side note: highly recommend “The Bear” if you haven’t seen it.) A Korean […]

Saturday Snap – I’m On A Boat!

Had a really enjoyable time on Grandpa’s pontoon boat for a few hours on Saturday afternoon…

Saturday Snap – But With Training Wheels?

With this bike parade happening in Weyburn, I can’t help but think that some of these kids will likely grow up to join flag-festooned convoys of a different type when they’re older… 🙂

Saturday Snap – Skater Boy

I’ve used this post title before but when your kid loves skateboarding, it’s inevitable you’ll use it again…  

Saturday Snap – Toilet Paper Stockpiles

You never known when the next pandemic will hit so we’ve gotten smart and started buying twice as much toilet paper as we would normally during our Costco runs…just in case!

Saturday Snap – Nicely Broken In…

Even though I grew up in a small town, surrounded by tons of family and friends who were really into cars, I was never obsessed with vehicles myself. I always said “If it’s got four wheels, an engine, and gets me where I need to go, I’m happy.” Well, the car I bought a few […]