Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – “Sasha’s, Not Yours”

As she gains more independence, we’ve occasionally been letting Sasha walk to the nearby convenience store to use her allowance money to buy a treat. Apparently that independence also extends to letting everyone in the family know exactly who bought the unique Warheads-flavoured soda!

Saturday Snap – Sasha’s Birthday Sleepover

Booked Sweet Dreamz Slumber, a local company that sets up tents with lights, banners, serving trays outside the tent, a ceiling light show device and more for Sasha’s 10th birthday party sleepover. Was cool to have them arrive one-by-one and go downstairs to hear things like: “Oh. My. God.”, “This is AMAZING!”, “So cool”.

Saturday Snap – 50 Foot Leash = Good Investment

Bought Charlie a fifty foot leash and it’s a great way to take advantage of the huge green space behind our house and let him basically be “off-leash” without actually being off-leash (now if we could convince the various other dog owners that use the space that it’s not actually an off-leash park, that would […]

Saturday Snap – Camping Season Is Coming

Yesterday I posted about spring seeding and today I’m posting a picture the in-laws sent of our camp site – has it been a long winter or what?

Saturday Snap – Sun Dog?

A different form of sun dog in a photo my son sent while walking our dog in the open area behind our house…

Saturday Snap – “Do you need a campaign volunteer who has helped candidates win at least 10% of the campaigns he’s worked on?”

Chief Cadmus Delorme of Cowessess First Nation is one of, if not the most, high profile Indigenous leaders in Saskatchewan for his work in business, child welfare and much more.  (Unfortunately, part of his high profile,including an interview for CBS’s “60 Minutes” show, is for very tragic reasons.) Above is a pic of myself and […]

Saturday Snap – Treats!

Giving two of my kids treats…one gets freeze dried duck liver and one gets Skittles (just have to make sure I don’t mix them up!)

Saturday Snap – Pretty Good Spot for @Frost_ReginaSK Fireworks!

Pace has been working at some Pats’ games to earn money for a school trip. We signed him up for the Saturday game not thinking that it would be Frost Festival at REAL but luckily I popped into the Exhibition Grounds on Friday night on the way to supper with some friends and realised that […]

Saturday Snap – A Beautiful Day For A Walk

Finally have some nice weather after a long cold snap so went for a long walk with Charlie today…

Saturday Snap – Doggy Paddle Training?

Charlie has decided he loves to jump into the tub.  I guess that’s better than having a dog that hates water but definitely makes our baths…interesting.