Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – Some Stammering Bumbler on CTV Morning Live Promoting Assistive Technology

Before I appeared on a local morning TV show to promote some of the new Assistive Technology we have at Regina Public Library earlier this week, I jokingly posted on my Facebook and Twitter that people should tune in if they were fans of “awkward pauses and stammering answers”. Unfortunately, it turned out to be true […]

Saturday Snap – High Impact Wrestling Moonsault (Gives New Meaning to Saturday “Snap”)

So after probably more than a year of saying I would get to the monthly card of High Impact Wrestling, Regina’s local wrestling promotion, I finally went last night. And it was AWESOME! I should step back a bit – there are a couple guys at work who go regularly and I always meant to […]

Saturday Snap – The Four Senses

The RPL Staff Day was yesterday. The planning committee skipped this fundraiser last year but this year, gift baskets provided by each unit/branch were part of a silent auction to raise funds for the United Way once again. The Outreach Unit where I work came up with the idea of a “Four Senses” basket where […]

Saturday Snap – One Word to Describe Each #skndpldr Candidate (and the Past Leader Each Most Resembles)

We’re in Weyburn this weekend visiting Shea’s family and had to make a visit to Creelman today since her uncle has just passed away and his wife has asked me to do the eulogy. Since I was already halfway there, I decided to carry on to Arcola where, in addition to the Cannington NDP AGM, […]

Saturday Snap – This would be a nice photo…

…if Pace didn’t feel the need to pull a face anytime you point a camera at him!

Saturday Snap (Classic) – An Obscene Children’s Toy

Found this funny clip while looking at some old videos we had from when Pace was little…

Yet Another Reason Atheism Is A Good Thing

Saturday Snap – Pace’s First Drive-in

Saturday Snap – Pace’s First Day of Kindergarten

Saturday Snap – 10 Things We Had At Our Wedding (That Most People Don’t)

Went to a co-worker’s wedding today and felt like I virtually attended another one with how many updates I was seeing on my Facebook newsfeed. As always, that gets me thinking about Shea’s and my own wedding nine and a half years ago. Talking to some of the other guests at this most recent wedding […]