Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – “Saturday Steak”

One trick I picked up about bbqing steak is to finish them by propping them up on their sides.   Yum!

Saturday Snap – “I Don’t Know!”

Our new favourite Sasha trick is saying “Sasha…I don’t know” then watching her make this cute face…

Saturday Snap – Happy Father’s Day (One Day Early)

To my own dad and to the kid who made me a dad for the first time (Sasha would’ve been in this photo too but she was back in the campsite doing a really good job of staying away from the water!)

Saturday Snap – Sasha Grooving

Shea got invited to Pace’s school for a Volunteer Appreciation Tea for some work she’d done to help out with Pace’s class this year while she was on maternity leave.  She took Sasha to the tea and it was a pleasant surprise that Pace’s class was also the one chosen to entertain the volunteers.  Sasha […]

Saturday Snap – Nice Weather’s Here…

  …so we’re in the backyard as much as possible!  

Saturday Snap – As A Handyman, I Make A Pretty Good Librarian!

Luckily, my one neighbour has spent many years as a carpenter for the City of Regina (and also does numerous side projects for his own clients as well) while my other neighbour said “I’ve lived in five houses and built five fences!” Add in two son-in-laws of the carpenter helping out (including one who is […]

Saturday Snap – The Gang for Pace’s 7th Birthday at Laser Quest

Saturday Snap – #yqr Science Rendezvous

Shea took Pace and Sasha to ScienceRendezvous which was happening at the U of R on Saturday. This is a cross-country day celebrating science.  At the U of R, all the various science faculties got together to do demonstrations for the general public.  I was working but was able to run out to the Uni over my […]

Saturday Snap – Homemade Fresh Rolls

Making one of Pace’s restaurant favourites at home…  

Saturday Snap: I’m Not Sure If Sasha Is Late For Easter Or Early For Halloween?

Clean-up in Aisle 7! Sasha decided to grab hold of the egg carton in our shopping cart the other day and dump a few of them on the grocery store’s floor. Conveniently, Shea was in another aisle while I was with Pace who said “Let’s get out of here!” and pretty much took off running.  (He […]