Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – Goodbye Tree

We’ve had a wonderful tree in our yard (even better, in our neighbour’s yard with big branches hanging over the fence providing us shade and a place to hang a swing) since we bought this house. Unfortunately, the tree recently split and had to be taken down.  Sasha was in the yard when they cut […]

Saturday Snap – Locked in a Room

Pace got locked in his room after the door mechanism gave out the other day and we couldn’t open the door, even though it doesn’t actually have a real lock on it. Look at that sad face…

Saturday Snap –   Happy Father’s Day!

We’re not season ticket holders but for the past couple years, a friend has given us his tickets to the Riders’ pre-season home opener. This also coincides with Father’s Day which makes it a nice outing for Pace and I…

Saturday Snap – Sick Face

This is one pretty sad looking kid…

Saturday Snap – Good-Bye Aunt Sandi

For the past few years, my aunt has come to stay with us for a month or so in May. She’s around for Pace’s birthday, helps watch the kids while we tackle some of our spring projects, uses our home as a base for visiting various friends from when she lived in Regina and otherwise […]

Saturday Snap – (Un)Hip Waders

 My uncle and I while putting in the dock at our family cottage…  

Saturday Snap – Big Sunglasses


Saturday Snap – Koko Finds a Hiding Place…

…in Sasha’s dresser drawer!

Saturday Snap – One Way To Make Sasha Mad…

…use her new playhouse as a foot rest! (If she understood English better, she might also get mad if I told her that a) her toque’s on backwards and b) it’s too nice to be wearing a toque anyhow!)

Saturday Snap – Heading To #yqr @reginafanexpo Earlier Today