Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – New Reading Glasses

Apparently the latest research is showing that kids that don’t quite need regular glasses can still benefit from starting with reading glasses which, in turn, reduces their prescription when they do get glasses and also the odds of worse eye problems (glaucoma, etc.) later in life.

Saturday Snap – You Know You’re In Saskatchewan When…

…you go out to a political event and end up coming home with perogies! 😉

Saturday Snap – ‘Tis The Season (For Candy!)

Saturday Snap – Treats

Shea and I were both off Friday and with Pace in school, we did one of our annual traditions, putting Sasha in daycare and spending the day doing Christmas shopping, having lunch out together at a nice restaurant, and running a few other errands (eg. passing a bunch of Sasha’s clothes that she’s outgrown to […]

Saturday Snap – Gingerbread House

Saturday Snap – Regina Downtown From Above

I’d won a free night at a local hotel at a staff supper earlier this year and we decided to use it this weekend…

Saturday Snap – Tobogganing

Enjoyed a day off last Monday by taking the kids tobogganing…

Saturday Snap – Good Knight

Sasha was playing in the “tickle trunk” we keep of various costumes and other dress-up clothes…

Saturday Snap – Hanging Around at Final Parkour Class

Pace had his final parkour class for this session last Wednesday.  Just another day hanging from the rafters…

Saturday Snap – Garnish

Shea asked for a glass of wine last night and a garden carrot. I obliged…