Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – Covid 19 Supper Club Returns To The Real World

There’s a small group of people I graduated high school with who live in Regina that we started going out for supper with a few times a year maybe 4-5 years ago? We had our last in-person supper before Covid hit at a local brewpub in February 2020 and though we transitioned to a private […]

Saturday Snap – I Won The Lottery! (sorta)

I know lottery tickets are a waste of money but I buy them for a few reasons: 1) Lottery money helps fund a lot of great organizations including many of the non-profits I used to work for/with/volunteer for. 2. As a colleague once said, “sure, you’re not going to win but what you’re actually buying […]

Saturday Snap – Hanging It Up For Another Camping Season

I may do a few entries about our summer but, for now, just sad that another great summer of camping is coming to a close…

Saturday Snap – Campfire Reading

Love to see Sasha using a headlamp to keep reading by the campfire after the sun goes down…

Saturday Snap – Second Shot

Now to just get kids under 12 authorized to be vaccinated…

Saturday Snap – Happy Father’s Day!

Everybody in this photo has two doses of vaccine (except our teen who has one and our kid who isn’t eligible yet.) Feels really good to get close together on the couch for a family picture before a delicious steak supper!

Saturday Snap – Witch In-Law is Witch?

My in-laws having some fun at our campsite…

Saturday Snap – Happiest Photo of the Week!

It’s been a long, stressful, nerve-wracking year in so many ways.  But beyond happy that I finally have two fully vaccinated parents!!!

Saturday Snap – Skater Boy

Pace is really good about walking his younger sister to and from every school but he was clearly excited that she’d gone out to the lake with her mom on Thursday while he wanted to stay out and go with me after I finished work today. “Can I write my skateboard to school?” he asked […]

Saturday Snap – Old Man Row at the Grocery Store

You know you’re getting old when you go to to the “near beer” section of the grocery store and think, maybe I should try it? (Nah!) 😉