Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – Libraries Distributing Rapid Tests

Not my usual “Saturday Snap” photo today but instead, a screen shot of someone on Reddit saying they had a good experience at my branch getting their booster shot and also picking up a box of rapid tests. So strange to hear stories from Ontario of people lining up at liquor stores or other weird […]

Saturday Snap – Gift Ideas for the Beatles Fan In Your Life (Hint, Hint)

“The Lyrics” is $75 at Costco?  Holy crap!  You can get like eight giant jars of dill pickles for that kind of money! 😉

Saturday Snap – …While Visions of Sugar Plums Danced In Their Heads

Saturday Snap – Coyotes

Shea was up before me the other morning and got to see these visitors in the green space just outside our fence…

Saturday Snap – All I Want For Christmas…

…is an $18,000 piece of art! But I should back up… After picking up Sasha for her art class (she’s decided she wants to be an artist or art teacher when she grows up), we all went to Pile of Bones Brewery intending to have a Saturday afternoon beer/soda.  But it was packed so we […]

The Years Have Flown By: Happy 50th Anniversary Ray & Janet Hammond!

A couple weeks ago, I took my parents on a charter flight as a unique way to see how the years have flown by as we visited a few significant locations from their life ahead of their 50th wedding anniversary I was originally going to do the flight on their actual anniversary which happens to […]

Saturday Snap – #SaturdayLibrarian x2

Had a helper pop in and pick out a few books after her art class today while I was being #SaturdayLibrarian…

Saturday Snap – “The Years Have Flown By” 50th Anniversary Charter Plane Flight

I was going to post a bunch of pics from our charter flight yesterday but to get my money’s worth, I feel like I should parcel them out one or two per day for awhile! 😉 Ready for takeoff…

Saturday Snap – Spud Drug Deal?

My coworker hooked me up with a guy selling discounted 50lb bags of oversized and misshapen potatoes (who, of course, turns out to be a regular at my library.) At any rate, pulling up at his house, I felt like I was getting in the middle of a shady drug deal – cars lining up, […]

Saturday Snap – Hanging Out at the Playground