Category Archives: SaturdaySnap

Saturday Snap – A Gift of Oranges

Sasha had permission to invite a friend over to watch a movie this afternoon and somehow that grew to five girls showing up today to watch movies, eat pizza, and hang out for a few hours. (We approved this but also chuckled at how it snowballed!) We’ve been (mostly) careful through all of Covid but […]

Saturday Snap – Happy 19th Anniversary, Shea (and Happy 2nd Anniversary of the Calendar Year!) ;-)

Shea and I have been together for 24 years (“more than half my life!” she regularly reminds me), married for 19 years and today, are celebrating our “preferred” anniversary date…as we joke that we have three each year: * the February legal one when we got married in jeans in our living room in Calgary […]

Saturday Snap – Artist At Work

Saturday Snap – I See A Lot of Home Fries In My Future!

Maybe a year ago, a coworker hooked me up with a guy who sells 50 lb bags of misshapen potatoes.  And of course, when I picked up the first time, it turned out he’s a library patron I knew! In fact, after chatting with him during my most recent pickup, I even ended up sending […]

Saturday Snap – Life’s Too Short For Unsalted Butter

In light of yesterday’s post where I happened to share the screenshot a portion of a life advice article that said we should eat salted butter as life is too short for unsalted, I thought I’d post a pic I happened to snap at Safeway recently. Saying “life is too short for unsalted butter” may […]

Saturday Snap – Not Sure Who’s Enjoying The Giant Snow Hill In Our Backyard More…

…these guys or the kids:  

Saturday Snap – This snow fort is 1970s approved…

…but not so sure it’s 2020s approved! 😉 Getting an inspection from mom.. Snack packs at the ready (hot chocolate to come later!)…

Saturday Snap – Why Does Our Fence Lean Inward?

When we bought our house a couple years ago, we noticed a slight inward lean to the fence. I didn’t think anything of it but after a couple winters, I realise it’s probably because *all the snow* from the green space behind our house (note the grass showing in patches further out!) likes to blow […]

Saturday Snap – Made It To Midnight!

If I was taking bets on who wouldn’t make it to midnight, it’d be Shea or I before these two! 😉

Saturday Snap – …And To All, A Good Night!