If it looks like we have a lot of gifts under the tree, you have to remember that in the month of December, I basically wrap anything I would’ve bought anyhow – dish soap, shampoo, the empty box for the slippers I bought because I needed them in September – and use those things to […]
Shea had a very long day and Pace is both pretty introverted and a stereotypical teenager so it’s hard to get him out of the house at the best of times. That meant Sasha and I had a daddy-daughter date to The Artesian’s “Holiday Sing-a-long” Thursday night which was great fun.
Last year, we gave in and bought a stupid Dollar Store “Elf on a Shelf” rip-off to move around every night for Sasha. Turned out it was actually kind of fun coming up with scenarios and jokes for the little guy and I might’ve got more enjoyment out of it than she did! This year, […]
There are a zillion different moving guides online with all sorts of tips, tricks and reminders. But honestly, for our move, I found that using an online To Do manager with different lists for things like “Timeline”, “To Buy”, “To Pack”, “To Fix – Old House”, “To Fix – New House”, “Contact Info”, etc. (but […]
Our realtor had a photographer come to our old/current house today to take photos in preparation for our house being listed later this week and it brought home, perhaps more than any other step, that soon, the house we’ve called a home for fifteen years will likely soon no longer be ours. As excited as […]
I think I’ve probably posted this old viral video before but as we prep to move into our new house, it felt appropriate for a few reasons – the title “Home” obviously but also for how it reminds me of Sasha who’s increasingly into music and has taken to making up her own songs to […]
Nothing much, just bought a house! 😉 (Er, obviously this is a story months and really, years, in the making but I’m sure I’ll get to the full story soon. For now, I’m heading to bed after a *very* long day!)
Shea and I did a pretty major weeding of our kids’ book collections recently and I ended up giving a bunch to one of the teachers who regularly comes into my library (who also happens to teach at the school my kids go to so I have a soft spot for that school to begin […]
Nothing too surprising on this list but here you go… 1. Although my mother-in-law battled a serious form of cancer for most of last year, she’s doing much better and, knock on wood, everyone else in our immediate family is doing well healthwise from Sasha who’s six years old to my dad who’s seventy years […]