It’s been a tough end to the year. There are some fairly major changes happening at work that will affect myself and numerous other supervisors in the new year. One of those supervisors, a friend and mentor, died unexpectedly at the start of December – quite young but also getting very close to retirement, having […]
Powerful piece by the widow of a popular wrestler who tragically died young.
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the saying “You know how much money you have; you never know how much time you have.” If it’s not obvious, what it means is that you (roughly) know how much money you have – what your paycheque is every two weeks, what your investments are worth, the […]
This tragic series of posts by an anti-vax single mother as she catches Covid, is hospitalized, sees her condition worsen, begs for people to donate money and take care of her family if she passes then eventually dies could be an effective public service announcement *in favour of* vaccination. This is one of the top […]
It was being used a bit before Covid but the pandemic definitely made livestreaming a more common option for all sorts of major life events including birthdays, holidays, weddings and especially funerals. This has come in handy a few times recently – over the summer when a former coworker died of stage four breast cancer, […]
This thread probably isn’t a good one to read ever, let alone on the scariest day of the year! “Scientists of Reddit, what’s a scary science fact the public is generally unaware of?” Happy Halloween everyone! This one is of particular interest to Saskatchewan… If you think the pandemic was bad, this is possibly the […]
There are a few (very few!) medical exemptions I can understand for not getting the vaccine – if you are allergic to something in the vaccine, if you had a serious reaction/event after your first shot and, uhm, not much else? But I’ve never understood being exempted on religious grounds. Even if you believe in […]
If you believe in mythology, it’s a lot harder to believe in science… (And honestly, I picked one random example but there are dozens if not hundreds of examples from across North America and around the world where religious leaders are playing a role in making the pandemic worse by giving bad advice to their […]
Pace was doing video calls long before it was cool – in this case, we needed a video call to show off his first stitches to Grandma and Grandpa.