Category Archives: Sad

Music Monday – “When your day is long/And the night, the night is yours alone/When you’re sure you’ve had enough/Of this life, well hang on”

Today is “Blue Monday”, allegedly the saddest day of the year due to a mix of distance from Christmas, weather and credit cards coming due (although it’s actually just a random day picked to help sell winter vacations.) I thought about posting “Blue Monday” by New Order but that song actually makes me quite happy. So this is […]

RIP Koko

It’s been a month since we lost our cat, Koko, very suddenly. Although she seemed to have lost a bit of weight in the days preceding her death, we chocked this up to her being outside so much in the nice weather.  She had otherwise been fine with no obvious symptoms of illness.  But then, […]

Music Monday – “Adieu Clo-Clo/Goodbye to you my brother/Adieu Clo-Clo/Goodbye to you my brother until the end.”

This song is one of the many things that have been running through my head all day… “Adieu Clo Clo” – Boo Radleys

/r/Human – A subreddit to celebrate respectful disagreements on Reddit, and the graceful admittance of fault.

Amazing that a spot like this exists on the Internet which is not known for people respectfully disagreeing and/or ever admitting they’re wrong! 😉

“His Name Was Alan Kurdi”

A “refugee crisis” is something far away and remote.  Kenya.  Bangladesh.  Syria. Foreign.  Easily ignored. But this.  This is something different. This is a child. A child whose death has given a face to the millions of other children and adults around the world who are fleeing natural disasters and famine and war. A child posed as […]

Pace’s First Day of Grade Three (and Grade Two and Grade One and Kindergarten)

Shea ended up posting all these “First Day” pics on Facebook so I thought I’d re-post them here for posterity… Kindergarten Grade One Grade Two Grade Three

Saturday Snap – Goodbye Tree

We’ve had a wonderful tree in our yard (even better, in our neighbour’s yard with big branches hanging over the fence providing us shade and a place to hang a swing) since we bought this house. Unfortunately, the tree recently split and had to be taken down.  Sasha was in the yard when they cut […]

“Name” – The 2015 Stanley Cup Finals Begin Tonight

Norm MacDonald Gets Emotional During Final Stand-Up Set On Late Night with David Letterman

David Letterman’s final show is this Wednesday and he’s been having a farewell run of top-notch and personal favourite guests all of whom are paying tribute to Letterman’s innovation and influence (and I definitely don’t disagree – how radical was David Letterman when he first started?) Anyhow, Norm MacDonald’s comments after his stand-up set the […]

Music Monday – “My boy’s gonna play in the big league/My boy’s gonna turn some heads/My boy’s gonna play in the big league/My boy’s gonna knock ’em dead.”

Important Blog announcement: Hockey themed posts shall continue as long as the Flames are in the playoffs. One of the greatest hockey songs of all-time…  (Hmm, maybe that could be my theme for Music Mondays until the Flames win the Cup in June?) 😉 Based on a true story… “Big League” – Tom Cochrane