Category Archives: Pace

Saturday Snap – Sun Dog?

A different form of sun dog in a photo my son sent while walking our dog in the open area behind our house…

Music Monday – “Experience Regina” (Well, It Was An Experience To Be in Regina This Weekend Anyhow!)

“Experience Regina” Parody (Watch It To See Some of Regina’s “Highlights”) You may have heard that Tourism Regina recently rebranded. It started with a teaser clip and message on social media at the start of March: It’s All Happening… Let’s push the narrative; the same old is boring. Our city is changing, and that means […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Snow Seats (January 2011)

A lot of snow in our old house’s front yard back then…

Saturday Snap – Pretty Good Spot for @Frost_ReginaSK Fireworks!

Pace has been working at some Pats’ games to earn money for a school trip. We signed him up for the Saturday game not thinking that it would be Frost Festival at REAL but luckily I popped into the Exhibition Grounds on Friday night on the way to supper with some friends and realised that […]

The Sandwich Generation

I talked to a twenty-something young man the other day who had never heard the term “Sandwich Generation”. Basically, the idea is that anyone who has kids (whether they’re young or older but who still need financial support and/or who live at home) and also elderly parents who they are responsible for caring for is […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Stuffed in a Locker (April 2016)

Pace did this to himself after parkour, he wasn’t being bullied by a classmate (or a parent) – honest!

Saturday Snap – Not Impressed With the Smushies!

Charlie Content As Requested

Due to a PD day later this week at work, I ended up with an unusual mid-week day off. But that was okay as it gave me an excuse to take Charlie for a walk and meet the kids after school which was a first…

Music Monday – “Everybody’s got the fever/That is something you all know/Fever isn’t such a new thing/Fever started long ago”

I’m home with a sick kid today (plus had ice cream for breakfast as I have a sore throat myself!) so a rough couple of months in terms of family health continues… Ironically, we only dealt with Covid once (Pace for a week in early October) and, knock on wood, no one else in the […]

Saturday Snap – Popcorn Pace

Pace worked at the Pats game last night slinging popcorn and drinks as a fundraiser for a school trip…