Category Archives: Meme

Friday Fun Link – Ruth Bader-Ginsburg On Not Retiring

From happier times…  

Friday Fun Link – Canadian Perverts

Jim Gaffigan who is known as a pretty clean, dad-bod-type comic gets downright raunchy after a visit to <checks notes>…Regina, Saskatchewan?!?

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – How Naive We Were (School Year 2016-2017)

As June comes to an end, I have to post this meme I recently rediscovered. It’s funny how dabbing, fidget spinners and bottle flipping were the biggest issues a teacher had to deal with a few years back! I’m not up to doing a full photoshop job but can only imagine the updated version of […]

“Coronavirus Is FAKE NEWS!”

Coronavirus is FAKE NEWS — Brent Terhune Bloomington IN May 3&4 (@BrentTerhune) March 6, 2020   Released on March 6, I think this was the first video that I came across by this guy, maybe a week or two later. And like many people, I initially thought it was a real guy sharing his […]

Friday Fun Link – You About To Lose Yo Job (Remix)

The situation in the US with the blatant police brutality and absence of any restraint or empathy in the actions of many police officers. But there are moments of levity including this “dance remix” of a protester who informed a police officer that he was about to lose his job because he was illegally detaining […]

Day One in Quarantine vs. Day Fifty

I’m at 54 days in quarantine as of today but close enough…

Friday Fun Link – Which Prime Minister Are You?

A fun little quiz where you answer a few questions and it’ll tell you which Canadian Prime Minister’s personality you align with the most. I’m apparently Wilfred Laurier…  


Pretend this is one of those Facebook quizzes and put a checkmark besides any words/phrases you didn’t know (or think about regularly) *before* a month ago when the Coronavirus began to expand and grow our language… Asymptomatic Carole Fuckin’ Baskin CERB Community Spread Contact Free Delivery Contact Tracing Contagion (movie) Coronavirus COVID Covidiot Coworker (in […]

A Letter From Italy, A Letter From Our Future…

(Stolen from a FB friend…) This was published in The Guardian – UK -, but also in France, Germany ….. The acclaimed Italian novelist Francesca Melandri, who has been under lockdown in Rome for almost three weeks due to the Covid-19 outbreak, has written a letter to fellow Europeans and all of us “from your […]

In The Meantime…

…picking away at a very important COVID post (well, very long anyhow!) but in the meantime, here’s a pic of how we showed we love nurses during this pandemic…