Category Archives: List

Five Things You Should Remember To Do During An All-Inclusive Holiday (That Many People Forget)

Reapply SunscreenI’m really bad for putting sunscreen on in the morning then forgetting to put it on again, at least until my skin starts to radiate heat outwards. 🙁 Stay HydratedRelated to that last one, there are a lot of things that can make you feel ill on a tropical holiday.  When people get an […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – How Did I Get Here? – #5 – Sociability

Okay, let’s resume the series I started before we left for Mexico where I write about some of the major things that have impacted the person I am today. The first four were my parents, my friends, books and travel (I won’t link to them here as I’ll probably do a master list at the […]

Five Highlights of Our @hyattzivacancun Vacation

Last year, I did a list of 10 highlights of our winter vacation. We stayed at Moon Palace for two weeks instead of one week like we did at Hyatt Ziva this year so I think the math works out if I only do a list of five highlights instead of ten. 😉 First View […]

Five Funny Moments From Our Recent Trip to @HyattZivaCancun

  One of the best parts of any trip is the funny moments that happen.  Here’s a few from our recent trip: Hearing Justin Bieber’s popular Christmas song, “Mistletoe” on the van’s radio as we’re shuttled from the airport to our hotel.  (It’s important to note that our trip was in late February, not December, […]

10 Things That Make You A Bad All-Inclusive Guest

I had the idea for this list after a couple experiences at the Moon Palace last year and in researching it further, I see I’m not the only one with the idea. So below is a list of my own observations but which overlaps in many ways with some of the articles I’ve found that […]

Paths to Victory for 2020 Democratic Hopefuls

So it looks like there could end up being a few dozen people running for President as a Democrat in 2020. Based mostly on my own reading and research plus a fair bit of gut feeling, here are quick summaries of who I think could win (and how), ranked roughly by how I see their […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – How Did I Get Here? #1 – My Parents

As I mentioned in my post about the various Christmas parties we recently attended, now that I’m basically middle-aged (I’m going to live to be 90, right?) ;-), I’m spending more time thinking about the various things in my life that have led me to where I am today – the influence of family and […]

List of Flags By Colour Combination (and the Story of One Man Who’s Edited 1/3 of Wikipedia Articles)

This is a pretty interesting Wikipedia article. Also, the news has picked up on the story of one guy who’s apparently edited 1/3 of Wikipedia’s millions of articles and created 35,000 original articles.

10 Reasons Mexico Is Safer For Tourists Than You Think

  One of the most common questions I hear when we tell people we’ve gone to Mexico multiple times over the years (and are going again this year) is, “Is it safe?” It seems there are daily news stories about drug cartels’ influence on the highest levels of government and horror stories of mass shootings with these […]

Five Topics of The Holidays

I realised that our social calendars this holiday season were as full as they’ve been in years due to a little miracle called “Pace Gets His Home Alone & Babysitting Certification”. So compared to other years where we had the hassle and expense of lining up babysitters if we wanted to go out, this year, […]