Category Archives: Library

Friday Fun Link – Virtual Reality

At RPL’s annual Staff Development Day today (okay, yesterday since I’m posting this on Saturday), they were demoing a new Virtual Reality accessory the library recently purchased. This was the Playstation 4 version, not the more well-known Oculus Rift headset that, in many ways, began the popularization of virtual reality devices for home users. It felt pretty […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Defining HR Successes? (Oct 2011)

At the annual RPL Staff Development Day in 2011, I had to do an activity with my co-workers where we listed some of the successes of the HR Unit where I was working at the time. Of course, I’d found out a couple weeks earlier that my position as Organization Development Specialist was being eliminated […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – I Think My Co-Workers Decorated My Door Out of Love (Maybe?) (Dec 2007)

When I worked for Southeast Regional Library, I came in to find someone had photocopied the cover of a new library book and added it to my door as a decoration.   Hmmm…

Saturday Snap – 3D Printed Business Card Holders

My branch has recently received one of two 3D Printers that RPL is rotating through our various branches. We’ll have it until May 2017 or so but one of my staff has already caught the bug and printed a whole rainbow of business card holders for us…

Friday Fun Link – Bob Dylan Wins Nobel Prize for Literature

After the announcement, some were in favour, some were against and some were  surprised. As an English major, a music fan, a librarian and someone who’s worked in and still involved with book publishing, I have absolutely no issue with this choice – mostly because it means I got to see a Nobel Laureate in concert! 😉 […]

Friday Fun Link – Six Disproportionately Common Names By Profession

Most Common Librarian Names include Johanna, Abigail, Margot, Nanette, Julia, Eleanor. (The data set apparently only looks for common names that aren’t found in other fields.  So a popular name like “John” or “Jennifer” which is fairly common across all areas won’t show up unless it is an outlier – eg. *extremely* popular in a […]

Friday Fun Link – Dancing at the end of @officialRPL 50th Anniversary “Retro” Party

After originally being posted by Shea to Facebook (which means I have plausible deniablility but also that not everyone could view it since she didn’t make it public), this video has taken on a bit of legendary status. I’m getting all these cryptic e-mails from other people at RPL (and even beyond) that say “Hey, […]

North Korea Accidentally Makes Some of Its Restricted Web Sites Available Worldwide

In most professions, you try to learn all you can about a single area.  One of the coolest things about librarians/librarianship is that it’s a profession where you benefit from knowing a little bit about a lot of things. This story combines a few of my many varied interests – the Internet, North Korea, propaganda, international politics, […]

One Final @RoryAllenMusic Video From The RP Anniversary Gig (And A Few Thoughts on “The King”)

I have lots of Elvis memories from growing up. When I was a kid, I used to spend hours listening to my parent’s record collection.  My dad was a big Elvis fan and passed that love of “The King” on to me via the various Elvis records he owned. I used to argue with one of […]

Saturday Snap – @roryallenmusic with the Hammonds @officialRPL Regent Place “Retro” 50th Anniversary Event