Category Archives: Jobs

Friday Fun Link – 2007's Best Careers (Jan 12, 2007)

US News names their 25 Best Careers for 2007 and Librarian is right up there – although we get a “C” rating for both “job outlook” and “prestige”. (Physician’s assistant on the other hand…)

What's In A Name?

Here at library school, we talk a lot about what we call things.  Patrons or customers or clients or users (or even neighbours as one classmate suggested.)  You also have libraries or resource centres or information centres or Idea Stores.The trend seems to be towards taking the traditional terms – “library” and “patron” – out of […]

What I Wish "They" Had Told Me When I Started Out In Librarianship

Former CLA President, Wendy Newman, who is teaching “Advocacy and Libraries” this semester has kindly agreed to let me reprint this list.  The full version is a speech that she gave as U of T's Faculty of Information Science on March 22, 2005.  What I Wish “They” Had Told Me When I Started Out In […]

"One of Today's Most Challenging, Interesting and Rewarding Environments" – Librarian Job Ad

“Are you interested in putting your library science education and experience to work in one of today’s most challenging, interesting and rewarding environments? Torres Advanced Enterprise Solutions is recruiting for a Chief Librarian to manage the Detainee Library, under the direction of the Joint Task Force-Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.” (via MetaFilter)  I debated a bit about […]

Links of the Day – Ten Rules for the New Librarians + City-wide Wifi in Toronto

Just in time for all my classmates' co-op interviews, Michael Stephens has posted: Ten Rules for the New Librarians which includes some tips for interviews in the comments.And from Michael Geist's blog, a Toronto Star story about a plan to implement city-wide wireless in Toronto. 

The Secret of Management?

Our second management class today made me remember another quirky fact about myself – I have never had a male boss in my life.  Even when I worked at a gas station in high school, the owner/manager of the station was a woman.  When I worked for a cable TV company in summers during college, […]

The Writer's Ego

Another reason I'm suspect about the majority of blogs out there, is that many of them tend to be little more than exercises in ego.  Don't get me wrong – I've got as healthy of an ego as anyone (maybe healthier ).  But again, is it big enough to think that my random ramblings are […]

Welcome to Head Tale – The Blog

Well, I've finally gotten on the “blog-wagon”… Because I'm from a small Saskatchewan town, I have a theory that I get into anything trendy about 3-5 years after everybody else does.  It was true when I got a Colecovision game console in 1985, three years after the rest of the world did.  It was true […]